Chapter Twenty Four: Why Is Everything Always White

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The entire palace was on high alert after the assassination attempt. Guards were posted at every entrance and exit, and we were instructed to remain in our rooms. Finally, after three days Lettie was allowed to come back. I almost jumped out of my seat to greet her when she entered.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're alright!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around her. "I was worried about you."

"I'm fine," she replied as she squeezed me back briefly. "But it's been an interesting few days, to say the least."

"I'm sure," I said as I sat back down. "Have you heard anything? Our meals have been brought to the suite and no one has said a word. I haven't even seen the Queen since the banquet."

"She's been confined to her rooms as well." Lettie sat next to me and slumped back against the arm of the couch. "Brigida told me so, she's been taking meals to her. A kitchen servant was found dead after the banquet with a vial of poison and I heard the physician say it was the same kind that was in the King's wine. It appears as though he killed himself."

"What about the King?" I asked.

"He's been storming around the palace," Lettie told me. "He's livid, of course, so if I see him coming I just turn and run. Anyone he finds suspicious is immediately taken to the dungeons for interrogation and I do not want to get in his way."

"I don't blame you," I said. "Does anyone know who's behind it yet?"

Lettie shook her head.

"That's all I know, which means that's all they know. Being a servant is kind of like being invisible. I hear a lot of things I'm not exactly supposed to."

"Maybe I should have made you my spy," I said wryly.

"It's not too late," she laughed. "I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself."

"You are indeed," I agreed.

"I have to get back to work, there's a lot to catch up on," she said as she pushed herself back up.

I nodded and stood to give her another hug. "Please let me know if you find out anything else."

"The minute I know something, you will too," she replied. "That's what spies are for, after all."

She shot me a playful smile as she ducked out of my room and left me alone in silence once again. I hoped we'd be allowed out soon. As much as I enjoyed not being questioned about my engagement and subsequent wedding, staring at the same four walls every day was quickly getting boring.


It was another two days before we were allowed to resume our normal schedule. I attended a few activities with the other ladies but as the days passed I found myself accosted with more and more wedding plans, much to my displeasure.

A full week after the banquet passed I was reading peacefully in my room when an urgent knock sounded at my door. I stood and stretched as the clock chimed twelve, then opened to door to reveal a bouncing Mara.

"The royal seamstress is here!" She gestured behind her excitedly.

"Wonderful." My smile tightened as I followed her out of my room.

She all but floated over to where Ailani and a tall, wiry lady with iron gray hair waited for us. They stood in the midst of a collection of metal dress frames that each displayed its own beautiful white gown. My stomach sank as I stepped into the midst of the sea of white fabric.

"Hello, my lady," the seamstress said as she set the basket she was holding on the table so she could curtsy. "We've brought a selection of wedding gowns for you to choose from."

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