Chapter Seventeen: Dancing With Danger

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I was just about to offer Ailani more words of comfort when someone behind me cleared their throat and I turned to see Prince James standing before me with a polite smile on his face. Thomas and Kaeden's warnings about him echoed through my mind as I curtseyed and smiled back at him.

"You must be the Queen's new lady." The warmth of his smile didn't quite reach his brown eyes. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince James."

"Yes, your Highness," I replied as I rose. "I am Lady Ivy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"May I have this dance?"

He held out his hand, which left me no choice but to take it. We walked to the dance floor as the musicians began to play a slow allemande, for which I was thankful. It would allow me to focus less on the steps of the dance and more on how to deal with having the very person I was told to avoid as my dance partner.

"Where are you from, Lady Ivy?" He asked.

I pasted a smile on my face and decided it would probably be safer to act like a lady who thought gossip and gowns were the most interesting things to grace the earth. 

"Eastwood, your Highness," I replied.

"Ah yes, I hear it's lovely there in the spring."

"Quite." I nodded enthusiastically.

"And how are you adjusting to court life? It must be so different from what you're used to," he continued.

"It's lovely, and the palace is just spectacular!" I bubbled like a moron. "I live with my aunt and uncle, you see, and their manor is nothing compared to this." 

"It is indeed a sight to behold," James chuckled. "Have you gotten to see the rest of the palace yet?"

"No, your Highness, not besides the gardens. I've only been here for a week now."

"Perhaps I could give you a tour sometime, although it appears you already have quite a few admirers who would be willing to undertake that task." His tone left no secret as to what he was implying.

I fought to keep the smile on my face.

"Oh, you mean Prince Thomas and the son of the Count?" I laughed. "Lord Donovan is leaving tomorrow and your brother really doesn't seem all that friendly."

James smirked.

"I suppose that leaves me."

He was charming, and not at all how Bella and her brothers had made him out to be. Still, something about him unsettled me. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. At least, not until I glanced over and caught sight of Caine as he surveyed the ballroom. His gaze landed on us briefly. I looked back at James and realized what it was— his eyes. He had his father's eyes.

I swallowed hard as I let my smile drop and my eyes widened with feigned innocence. Despite his pleasant demeanor, something darker lurked behind his eyes. If Bella and her brothers didn't trust him, then neither could I. 

"Oh, certainly that wouldn't be proper, not without a chaperone," I said as I recalled every etiquette fact I could remember in order to avoid any situation that involved us being alone.

"You're right, of course," James conceded with a nod. "I suppose I shall have to be content with dancing with you when I can."

I let out a giggle and hoped it didn't sound too fake. Kaeden shot me a concerned look as he swept past with Ailani in his arms. My simpering seemed to appease James, though.

"Is this your first ball, then?" He asked as he lifted his arm so I could walk around him.

"It is, your Highness," I replied. "Other than my coming of age ball, of course, but that's nothing compared to a royal ball like this one. There are so many people, and the ballroom is ten times as spectacular as the one at home!"

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