Chapter Two: Changes and Choices

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It was late in the morning when I woke, my blissful peace utterly ruined as my aunt's shrill voice echoed through my bedchambers.

"Ivy, wake up!" She called, her voice more chipper than usual as she whisked open the curtains to let the sunlight pour in. "A lady does not waste her time away in bed. You have a big day today!"

I groaned and squinted through the sunlight as I rubbed my face. My aunt stood at the foot of my bed, impeccably dressed in a mauve day dress with far too many frills and a string of pearls around her neck.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused. 

Usually the day after a ball was spent recuperating from the excitement and the alcohol.

She ran her eyes over me briefly as though she wanted to chide me further for still being in bed but she held back. 

Strange. My aunt was never one to pass up an opportunity to lecture me on decorum. More alert now, I watched her warily as she composed herself and smiled.

"I have some exciting news to share, which I would have told you last night if you hadn't disappeared from the ball without properly saying your goodbyes," she said, disapproval briefly coloring her tone. "I am happy to announce that your uncle and I have accepted Gideon Radcliffe's offer of marriage on your behalf."

It took me a moment to process her words.

"Wait, what? But— but I—"

"It does not do for a lady to stutter," she reprimanded with her usual scolding tone as she turned to leave. "Your engagement party will take place in four days' time. I will see you in an hour for lunch."

I bit back a scream as she swept from the room, then collapsed back on my bed and dug my fingers into my hair.

I should have seen this coming, I thought before I let out an aggravated sigh. There was no use berating myself over it now. I had bigger things to worry about.

I lay in bed for nearly half an hour more until a knock at my door jolted me upright.

"Come in," I called.

It swung open to reveal a timid looking ladies maid who stared at me with wide eyes. 

"Pardon me my lady, but your mother sent me to help prepare you for lunch," she said.

I gritted my teeth and forced a smile on my face.

"Of course," I managed as I slid out of bed. 

The maid closed the door behind her and headed for my wardrobe as I raked my hands through my mussed hair. The second her back was turned the smile dropped off my face as I sent a scowl in my aunt's general direction. I knew she reveled in controlling my life. She knew I no longer had any power and never would again, which suited her just fine.

I washed my face and let the maid help me into a light blue day dress, then sat down at the vanity to clip on my mother's necklace and tie my hair into a braid.

"Thank you," I said absently as she bobbed a quick curtsy and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her. 

I made a face at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath before arranging my features in a happy smile. I'd long ago perfected the art of tuning out my aunt's rambling, a skill I was sure I would need today. 

You'll be fine, I told myself as I stood from the vanity and set my shoulders back. After all, it was only lunch.


My aunt was already in the midst of a lengthy monologue about wedding planning when I arrived at the dining room. The morning sun shone in the windows, lighting up the blue-green walls and reflecting off the polished oak table. Thankfully it was just Aunt Marian, Peter, and my uncle in attendance. I'd been half afraid to walk in and find Gideon and his smug smile waiting for me.

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