Ms.Venable ~ Business Trip Part 1.

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Y/N's POV:
We pulled up to the hotel, getting out of the car I took a second to take in the beautiful building before running around to the other side to open the door for my boss.

She had always hated me, but after a while I got used to it. I mean, she hated everyone, but with me it was different, like... she REALLY hated me. For some strange reason that only seemed to fuel my crush even more.

She glared at me as she stepped out, I reached out a hand to offer her some help but she only seemed to glare harder. Grabbing her cane she took a few steps forward, walking towards the hotel entrance. I just stood there frozen, staring like an idiot.

"Are you coming or not Ms. Y/L/N?" She said, looking back and rolling her eyes at me.

I quickly ran to her side, almost tripping over my own feet.

We stepped inside and went to the reception. Ms.Venable cleared her throat to get the receptionist's attention.

"Hiya Ladies, Let me just get you two checked in.. have you two booked in advance orrr?" She woman working behind the desk said in a sweet voice.

"There should be two rooms under Kineros Robotics." Ms.Venable replied in her monotone voice. The venom in her voice so pungent but also so intoxicating.

"Of course let me just..." The woman trailed off, looking at the screen before her. "I'm sorry to inform you... but uhm, there was only one room booked under that title- " she looked terrified.

"WHAT?" Venable shouted at her, only adding to the poor woman's fear. "This is the last time I let those idiotic fools book the hotel" she said, sighing and rubbing her temples.

"M-Ms.Venable... its fine, I can just.. pay for my own room, it's not a big deal.. really-" I said, earning a confused yet somewhat softer look from my boss.

"About that, sorry to be the bearer of bad news... all of the rest of the rooms are all booked out..." the short woman behind the desk explained, looking like she was about to cry.

"Oh for god's sake-" Mina said, you could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. "It'll have to do. Give me the goddamn key before I make you regret every being born." She said to the woman.

We were given the key and so Ms.Venable and I went on our way to find our room. I mean, it wasn't going to be too bad. I was going to share a room with a beautiful lady and maybe get to know her a little bit better. What could go wrong?

We got to the room and Mina tossed me the key, I unlocked it as she analysed the whole decor of the hallway in disgust. Probably because there wasn't any purple anywhere.

Opening the door I stepped back to let Ms.Venable enter first, Upon her entering the room I heard her gasp.

"What the fuck is this- " she said, looking towards the... the queen sized bed-

Oh no.

"Uhm- " I stuttered and muttered trying to find words.

"I am NOT sleeping with you." She stated.

"I- I know... Ms.Venable... i-it's okay, I can uhh... I can sleep on the floor, or... in the bathtub. Its fine. Whatever makes you comfortable.." I said, slightly shaking. Being alone in a room with her was slightly nerve-wracking, how was I going to survive a whole week long event with her.

"Good." Was all she said...

It was already very late, so we decided it would be best to get some sleep, to give Ms.Venable some privacy I took a pillow and went into the bathroom.

Laying down in the bathtub I stared at the walls and started to count the tiles on the walls. I lost track after like... four, So I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up an hour later by Venny lightly slapping me.

"WHA-" I yelled until I realised who it was standing over me.

"Y/n it's freezing. Come on, you're not sleeping in the bath like some sort of fish." She said rolling her eyes.

"I- you keep fish in a bathtub?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

She didnt respond, just grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom, dragging me to the bed. She walked back over the the right side where she had been just minutes earlier. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Ms.Y/L/N, get into the bed, do not make me change my mind." She said, not even making eyecontact.

I hesitantly and slowly climber into the bed, staring at the ceiling, here I was laying next to my boss... whom I had had a crush on for a little over a year.

I felt her shift and turn to turn off the lamp on the bedside table beside her. I took that as an opportunity to stare at her a little, her auburn hair cascading over her shoulders, I had never seen her hair down but it sure was beautiful.

Then there was pure darkness.

"Goodnight Ms.Venable..." I whispered.

"Goodnight." She answered bluntly, no sign of any emotion in her voice.

Venable's POV:
"Goodnight." Was all I said to her, the assistant that followed me around like a duckling for the past year... yes, a whole year.

I've never even thought about firing her, and somehow she hasn't quit yet, even though I am awful towards her. But I have my reasons, reasons she will never know.

I could have left her to sleep in the cold bath, but as the temperature dropped so did my stoney facade. I couldn't do that to her, Not my sweet Y/n.

Any other past assistant would have been made sleep out in the hallway in this situation, yet here she was beside me, sharing a bed, something I never thought I would ever do with Anybody. But she wasn't just anybody, she was the woman who somehow occupied my mind all of the time. Morning, Noon and Night.

I drifted off to sleep dreaming of her.


Hello you burnt slices of toast, Tis I. PamTheHam, in the... not flesh coz its over a screen (obviously)


i missed yall, Probably wont be updating my old stories BUT i will be writing new ones. Hehe.

until next time


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