Sally McKenna ~ Internet "friends" Part 1.

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Y/n's POV:

Two months ago... I joined twitter. One of the best.. and also worst decisions I had ever made. I didn't post much... mainly just retweeting things, until I came across her.

A user named Sally.

She didn't seem to like me at first, she always seemed to be in a bad mood. Until one day she tweeted something that made me worried, something even darker than her usual type of tweets.

So I decided to dm her, make sure she was okay.

Y/nTheFrog: hey! I know we don't talk much, but I wanted to make sure you were okay :)

SallyThatGirl: Fuck off, I'm fine.

Y/n: ...uhh, I have a feeling you're not. If.. you want to talk or if you need a distraction, I'm here :)

Sally: Yeah. Sure you are. Stop pretending to care and just go... fuck yourself or something.

Y/n: I- that's a bit rude- I uhh... sorry for bothering you. :(

That was... how our first conversation went. Very fun. 10/10 communication skills. Loved it.

About an hour later, I recieved another message from her.

Sally: hey uhm... sorry about that. I hope I didn't upset you. I'm not having the best of...days. I'm sorry for taking it out on you. I appreciate you checking up on me, not many people would-

Y/n: It's... no problem. I'm sorry for.. whatever it is you're going through. Like I said, if you want to talk or anything... :)

So we talked.... and talked. And talked. For hours. I ended up just giving Sally my phone number, and we talked on call for even longer. I let her rant about her roommates and stuff, she had a really nice voice... raspy but in the best of ways.

As time went by, we made it a routine. Sally would call me first thing in the morning, and we would stay on the phone until late at night.

After a while, she finally told me where she lived. The Hotel Cortez. I googled the place, the pictures that came up weren't the best. From what I could see, it was an old, somewhat creepy looking building.

After the fourth week, I decided to surprise Sally, going to meet her in person. Before I went I decided to do my own research on the place, finding out some shocking yet... interesting information. But I pushed it aside for the time being.

I sat in bed that morning, waiting for Sally to call. Smiling brightly when I saw her name flash up on my screen. Quickly answering the phone.

"Awhhh, was someone waiting for me to call?" She chuckled, her voice raspier than usual, indicating that she just woke up.

"Maybeee I was. Maybe I do every morning, what about it Ms McKennaaa" I smirked, narrowing my eyes at the phone.... then realising that she couldnt see that-

I jumped up out of my bed, quickly packing my bag. I wasn't sure how long I would be staying, or if she even wanted me to stay at all... So I pretty much just threw every item of clothing I had into the bag.... Including all of my lingerie. Just incase... ;)

"So, what are you doing todayyy?" I asked her, hoping she didn't have any plans.

"Not... not much." She sighed, I could practically hear her starting to frown.

"Oh... I'm sure you'll find something to do." I giggled. It's me. I am something. Do me, Sally.

Once everything was ready, I hopped in my car, still on the phone to Sally.

I stopped in a store along the way, buying some colouring books and other things to keep Sally and I entertained.

When I pulled up to the hotel, I looked up at it... realising just how creepy it actually looked. But there was something so comforting about it. Maybe it was just the fact that my Sally lived there...

"Sally, I'm gonna have to go real quick, something just came up, can I call you back in like... ten... fifteen minutes?" I bit my lip, hoping she wouldnt hear how nervous I was.

"O-oh. Yeah... of course. Go... do what you need to do. Talk to you later little frog." She said, I could hear the sadness in her voice, but hopefully that would chamge soon.

I hung up, taking my first few steps into the hotel. I walked over to the reception and whispered. "Hi, I'm wondering if you could tell me...Which room belongs to a Ms. Sally McKenna?"

The short, elderly woman looked at me, raising an eyebrow and almost... grimacing.

"Room 64. Whatever she did, the hotel isn't responsible for. If you plan on getting murdered or... having violent, strange... Sally type sex, tell her to clean up her own mess this time." She rolled her eyes.

I thanked her, walking away and trying not to laugh, making my way into the elevator and up to Sally's floor.

The corridors of this place felt as if they were constantly shifting, changing directions every few seconds, until I finally found it. I stood outside the door to room 64, and called her back. Waiting for her to pick up.

"Hey- Y/n... is- is everything okay? I.. got worried-" She sniffled.

"Sally, sweetheart, everything's okay... now open the door so I can hug you dummy." I chuckled.

Less than three seconds later, the door flung open, She still held the phone up to her ear-

"Oh my fucking god- " Her jaw dropped.

I gently took the phone out of her hand, hanging up the call and trying to hand her phone back to her, but she just smacked it out of my hand, pulling me in for the tightest hug ever.

"S-sally- I kind of need my lungs honey-" I winced and she softened her grip.

"y-you're really here... like- actually- " She started crying, something that I had gotten used to hearing. Sally was no stranger to sadness.

"I am. And I plan on being here for a whileee" I chuckled, biting my lip and pulling away.

"B-but- Y/n... there- there's a lot you don't know about this place- it's not... it isn't safe-" She tried to tell me, but I stopped her mid sentence.

"Sally... I know."

Sarah Paulson Oneshots 😈Where stories live. Discover now