Ms.Venable - Business Trip Part 3.

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Ms.Venable's POV:

"I'll take oneeee more shot." I heard her say, slurring her words.

"No you will not." I said, walking up to where she sat. My voice cold and stern.

She just looked at me, confusing and sadness prominent on her face. To be quite honest, she looked scared.

"Vennnyyy... h-hi, you're... what are you doing hereee" she asked.

"I could ask you the exact same thing Ms. Y/L/N. We have a meeting in less than an hour and you're here, utterly inebriated." I said, sounding furious. I was, we had work to do, but deep down I was well aware that this was my fault.

"Oopsss... " she said, rolling her eyes at me and turning away.

"Excuse me? Don't you dare roll your eyes at me."

"What are youuu going to do about it? Hm? you gonna shout at me again? tell me to leaveee??" She said, now standing right in front of me. I had never seen her drunk before, I wasn't sure what kind she could be. I was preparing myself, incase she got violent or something. But what she did next surprised me.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my chest. She was... hugging me.

"I-I just w-wanted to make sure you were okay Venny... b-but you pushed me away. I'm sorry..." she said, her voice quivering. She took a step back before walking off in the direction of our shared room.

"Y/n, where are you going- " I quickly caught up to her.

"I'm gonna pack... stay in a hotel down the street. So I'm not annoying you... or getting in your way." She sniffled.

"Y/n... I don't- You don't have to do that."

"I do. I'm not making you hateee me any more than you already do." She said, opening out her suitcase on the bed.

"I don't hate you." I whispered.

"It's fine, you don't have to pretend. I'm just your idiot assistant." She started throwing things into her suitcase, Her clothes just thrown in a ball... jesus I had to teach this woman how to fold- Okay, besides the point.

"I DON'T HATE YOU. I could never hate you. I like you, more than I like anyome else." I blurted out.

Y/n's POV:

I turned around to stare at her. I knew she wouldn't like me in that way, but just the fact that she admitted that was insane.

"Barney the dinosaur likes me?" I thought, but it turns out I thought it out loud.

"Barney the di- Alright then..." she said, raising one of her perfect eyebrows and chuckling. "I do. A lot. Now lets get you sobered up so we can actually get some work done later. I'm cancelling our meeting."

"I can worrrrkkkk" I rolled my eyes again.

"No you can't. And I thought I told you not to roll your eyes at me?" She furrowed her brows.

"What are you gonna do? Spank me" I giggled, flopping back on the bed.

I looked up to see a silent, shocked Wilhemina. Sober me was going to regret everything that I was saying.

"No." Was all she said, as she sat down beside me.

"Mhmm... I'd enjoy it too much anywaysss" I whispered not so quietly. Winking, very awkwardly, in her direction.

"You should get some sleep. You've drank way too much today. You're not acting like yourself."

"Vennyyy, don't you get it... I'm neverrr acting like myself when I'm around you. You're scaryyy as fu-"

Ms.Venable's POV:

"Language." I said sternly.

"anndddd you just proved my point." she sighed, moving closer and laying her head in my lap.

I couldn't deny that I was enjoying this, seeing her so care free around me was highly amusing. I began gently stroking her head, hoping that it would help her fall asleep quicker.

"I love you vennyyy" she whispered, reaching up and very awkwardly poking my nose. "Boooop".

If it were anyone else, or if she was sober then I probably would have reprimanded her for that. But I couldn't deny that it was adorable. I softly smiled down at her.

She only said it because she was intoxicated. She would soon forget she ever said it. There was no way that such a beautiful and gentle being could love someone like me.

We must have both fallen asleep some time after that.

I woke up to see her staring at me, just a few centimetres away from my face with an idiotic grin.

"Hiiiii vennyyy" She giggled. Leaning in and kissing my cheek, leaving me speechless.

Y/n's POV:

"Hello?" Venable said sounding confused. But a light blush covered her cheeks.

"How about we go on a walkkk? Get some fresh airrrr." I asked, still somewhat drunk, but a lot more aware of my surroundings.

"Alright." Venable said, but as she tried to stand up she winced.

"Are you okay?" I said, rushing to her side.

"I'm fine.." she lied.

"Is it your back?" I asked, she just shyly nodded. "How about I see if I can do something to help?" I asked.

She shook her head, I knew that she was self conscious about it but I insisted. Getting her to lay down on her stomach as I relieved some of the tension.

After an hour of doing that we stood up. "That... feels a lot better. Thank you." She said, and I pulled her in for another hug.

"Venny... can we talk? Big talk? Serious talk?" I asked. She nodded and we sat down.

"You don't need to say anything... but... I think the reason you asked me to get out, well, not asked... more like demanded. Anyways, I think that the reason you did that is because you're scared of what I would think after seeing your back.... am I right?" I asked, she stayed quiet and nodded again.

"Mina, can I call you Mina? I'm gonna do it anyways... Your back, doesnt change my opinion on you at all. I love you. You're an amazing person, scary as fuck, but amazing. And you're beautiful... and smart... and pretty... and kind of funny, and EXTREMELY hot- " I said, trailing off before she cleared her throat to get me back on track.

"thank you, where was I... Oh yeah, I like you, a lot. For who you are. Not what you look like. Or what you think you look like. I like you. Only you. Everything about you." At this point she was crying, even though I was wording this terribly.

"Y-you're only saying that because of the alcohol" she sighed. Trying to stand up but I grabbed her hand.

"I'm not... I mean, I am. But I mean every word of it." I looked her in the eyes and thats when she leaned in.

"I like you too." Was all she said before she planted her soft lips upon mine.



I might write a Mildred Ratched book thingy soon 👀

Love yall, until next time


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