Ms.Venable ~ Business Trip Part 2.

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Y/n's POV:

I quickly fell asleep. Drifting off into a dream that started off sweet but swiftly turned into another nightmare.

"Y/n.." she trailed off, holding onto my hand as we stood on the balcony. The moonlight causing her auburn hair to look as if it was glistening, The light making her look even more angelic than usual.

She brought my hand up to her soft lips and gently kissed my knuckles. It felt like heaven, to be around my boss and feel so... so loved. So relaxed. But that quickly changed. One minute we were basking in eachothers embrace and the next she was yelling and pushing me away again.

Was this how it was going to be? Just a constant losing game where every time I think that I'm getting through her thick concrete walls she puts up, she builds them higher and thicker.

It's like I'm trying to break through them with a spoon, absolutely pointless... and It's true. I'm such a fool for her, and yet... she would NEVER feel that way about me.

I might as well give up...

Halfway through the night I jumped awake. Sweat dripping down my forehead. Apparently I awoke loudly because it caused Ms.Venable to jump too. She stared at me as if silently scolding me for disturbing her.

"Ms. Y/L/N, what is the meaning of this?" She questioned, her eyes piercing daggers into my own.

"I-I'm sorry... I uhm... I had a bad dream..." I replied, whispering the second part.

"Then don't dream." She said coldly. "It would be better for both of us if you switched that brain off, save it for doing something Actually useful for once."

She was being colder than usual.

"I'm s-sorry... it wont happen again." I said. Not wanting to piss her off any more than I already had.

"It better not. Goodnight Ms. Y/L/N." She said turning over and going back to sleep.

I turned around so that my back was to hers and I felt tears roll down my face. I had always been overly sensitive, but the fact that I had annoyed the one person who's opinion of me I cared about made the tears flow ten times faster than usual.

Ms.Venable's POV:

Hearing her cry and forcing myself not to comfort her was one of the hardest things I had ever done. But she couldn't know that I cared about her. I mean... No.

I thought that maybe the colder I make myself be the more I will lose interest and... f- f- feelings for her.


No. Apparently not. The colder and harsher I become, the harder and faster I fall for her and the worse I feel for being so cruel to her. Either way this would not end well.

I could go out the rest of my life secretly in love with my annoying, idiotic assistant, Or I could tell her, and risk her being completely disgusted by me and me losing the only good assistant I had ever had.

T'was a very hard decision.

Y/n's POV:

The next morning I was the first to wake up, I quickly got dressed and snuck out, Going to get coffee for Ms.Venable and I. I only ever seemed to drank coffee around her, truth being told I couldnt stand the taste, or the smell, but she enjoyed it... so I guess it just gave me something to "bond" over her with. A.k.a, Her thanking me for bringing a cup of it to her every morning. Still.... that two seconds of her muttering the words 'thank you' under her breath was enough for me to keep doing it.

Ms.Venable's POV:

I woke up alone and decided it was best to get dressed and be ready before Y/n got back from wherever she was.

I was only in my bra and underwear, with my back to the door when I heard it creak open.

"Gooooodmorninggg Ms.Venable, I brought coff- " She said, trailing off as she saw the one part of me that I never wanted her to see.

"GET OUT!" I yelled, feeling the tears welling in my eyes. But it was too late. She had seen it... We were too far from home to fire her and never see her again... and I didn't exactly want to not see her.

I couldn't help but let one of two tears fall, and I guess she noticed.

"Coffee... I brought coffee- Are- Are you okay?" She asked, putting the coffee down and looking me in the eyes.

"Get out..." I said, quietly.

"What- " she asked, confusion lacing her voice. "No..."

" I SAID GET. OUT." I screamed, so loud that I'm sure every single person in this hotel could hear.

And so she did, with tears in her eyes she left. I curled up in a ball on the bed we shared just a few hours before, and I cried. She had seen what no one else, besides doctors, had ever seen. She probably thinks that I'm hideous, if she didn't already think that.

Y/n's POV:

I ran out of there, not wanting to upset my boss any more. I didn't care about her back, to me she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. But apparently she cared... maybe she didn't trust me enough to see it, maybe she didn't want anyone seeing it, especially not some stupid assistant.

I found myself standing in front of the hotel bar. Yes, It was early in the morning and Yes, Ms.Venable and I had work to do later, but I didn't care in the moment. I needed something to calm me down..

Ms.Venable's POV:

It was three hours later and I had to get ready for a meeting. I quickly finished getting dressed and realised that... I had no idea where Y/n was...

I left to hotel room, making sure to tap my cane on the floor, as if it were some kind of Y/n caller. Like a dog whistle...

I walked around the entire building until I found her, drowning her sorrows at the bar. I felt a mixture of anger and sadness wash over me.

I was furious that she would be so careless as to get intoxicated when we had work to do, but my heart also broke at the thought that I drove her to drink...


part two done fuckers, part 3 should hopefully be more iNtErEsTiNg... 👀

Love yall, stay safe and stuff.

Until next time,


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