Xandra Terrell - Bar Fight.

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TW: Swearing, Alcohol, Violence, mentions of blood, all that jazz

Y/n's pov:

I had nothing better to be doing tonight so my roommate dragged me to her favourite bar. I told her I really didn't feel like going but of course, she convinced me.

So there I was, sitting there alone on a barstool as my roommate disappeared into a crowd of people, going off to dance with a random guy that she met. Typical her.

I was onto my fourth drink when a guy approached me.

"Hey little lady, whats a pretty girl like you doing over here alone?" He asked, his breath smelling of whiskey.

I ignored him completely, focussing on my drink instead. This only seemed to piss him off further.

"I asked you a question bitch. Oh I see... playing hard to get are we?" He said, placing one of his hands on my lower back.

I quickly spun around and spat at him. Hoping that would be enough to get him to fuck off. Sadly it was not. For a crusty, old, drunk guy he moved quickly, punching me right in the nose. Luckily I don't think it was broken, but I could feel the blood start to trickle down.

Yeah he was quick, but I was just as fast. I stood up and kicked him right in the balls, leaving him doubled-up on the floor. I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. Hoping he wouldn't follow.

I stood at the mirror, I had a small cut under my left eye from where his ring he was wearing hit. It wasn't bad, but there was no doubt I would be waking up with a bruise or two tomorrow.

As I stood there, in the reflection of the mirror I watched as the bartender walked in. Coming up behind me to assess my wounds.

"You look like shit..." she said, raising one of her perfect eyebrows. "Let me clean that up for you." It coming out as more of a statement than an offer.

"Sure... thanks." I answered awkwardly. Sitting up on the sink as she grabbed a tiny first aid kit.

"This may sting a little, just hold still and don't be a pussy about it." She smiled, violently chewing her gum and wiping my cuts with an alcohol wipe.

It was only then that I realised how beautiful she was. Her honey-blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and those lips. Damn. She was gorgeous. But she gave off straight vibes- Sigh.

"There. All better." She said after putting a hello kitty plaster (bandaid for you americans ;) on my tiny cut.

"Thank you... I feel less shitty already" I smiled.

She chewed faster, looking me up and down. "You look less shitty too" She smiled back.

"I'm Xandra... with an X." She held out a hand, I noticed her perfectly manicured nails. I took her hand, shaking it as she pulled... turns out she was trying to help me down. Not go in for a hand shake-

"You're an awkward little thing. Do I get to know your name? Orrrr?"  She said in a playfully bitchy tone.

"Oh... yeah... I'm... I am.... shit- who am I- " Here I was, gay panicking in front of this poor woman-

"Breathe." She put a hand on my shoulder. "What's your name sweetheart?" NOT THE PET NAMES.

Now she really wasn't getting an answer out of me. Launching me into a full gay panic.

"Y/n... nice to meet you." I said, giving her the ugliest smile.

"You need a ride home?" She asked. "I don't think you should be driving.."

"Because of the alcohol?" I asked...

"No, because you just got punched in the face." She chuckled. "You havent even had that much to drink"

"Gasp... are you saying that if I didnt get hit you would let me drive home intoxicated?" I said.

"Yeah... I do it all the time.." she shrugged. Grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bathroom and through the crowd towards the exit.

We got into her car and as soon as she closed her door I was out like a light.

"So where do you li- " she started, looking over at me who had somehow fallen asleep. "Well..... now I'm glad I didn't let you drive."

I woke up the next morning on a random couch. Looking around I noticed I definitely was not in my appartment. Instead I was in some modern styled house?

Having no recollection of where I was or how I got there I sat up. Getting up and walking around, trying to locate the nearest bathroom. When I eventually got there I looked in the mirror, seeing myself with a black eye and my hello kitty plaster still there. All the memories came back and then IT hit me.

I was in a random hot bartender ladies house.

"Y/n? You in there?" She lightly knocked on the door.

I opened the door to reveal a makeup-less Xandra. A glass of water and two ibuprofens in her hands. "Here, for your.... that" she said handing me the stuff and gesturing to my... well... me.

"Thanks." I said, taking the pills and gulping down the water.

"You want breakfast or something?" She asked, walking out and going to what I assumed was the kitchen. I followed her and or course I was right.

"sure, thank you." I smiled.

"Stop thanking me for every little thing I do Y/n" she chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"Right.. sorry." I said sitting down.

She made me toast, burnt toast... but still... toast.

"Thank y- " I started saying, causing her to narrow her eyes at me and mouth the word 'Don't', so I took her advice.

"So, Little Ladyyy" she said, mocking the man from last night. "You got a boyfriend that can pick you up or something?" She raised on of her eyebrows.

I almost spat out my orange juice. "HAH no. Nah. Nope... I am... I don't..."

"Swing that way?" She questioned, her eyes shimmering a little as I nodded in response.

"Yep... Me like womEn" I awkwardly laughed.

"Good to know." She said, lighting a cigarette and offering me one. I don't know why I accepted but I did.

I don't even smoke... which Xandra noticed when I tried to hold in a cough.

"First time?" She asked.

"Huh? No... I'm not a virgin- " I answered...

"I meant smoking" she said, a shocked look on her face.

A little while later, we were sat on her couch. She insisted on me staying for the rest of the day, just so she could keep an eye on me. We ended up watching a movie and cuddling.

Two months later and we had been on a few dates, I had never been so thankful that an old creepy man punched me in a bar...


IDK WTF THIS IS... also I've been roleplaying Xan so much that I almost titled it 'Xandra Ratched' because I keep forgetting that shes cannonically 'Xandra Terrell'... oops

Until next time


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