Thoughts oh thoughts, oh the dreadfulled hell of thoughts

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Next day, ode to joy guess what's yet again today? oh, oh I know school -_- how lovely ; science was a new teacher, mr wallowits. Short,plump and the sort of teacher that's sleeps and eats in class, he had a comb over and small round eyes. He hardly spoke.

History, was our science teacher.

Maths, was a fairly young quiet teacher, who was patient and ready to help anybody, even someone like me who put their hand up almost every minute.

Afrikaans, ok I can speak a bit, but my writing you might as well be teaching a new born afrikaans, high scores for me were 20 percents and some times 30's or 40's if I was really lucky. I might of done better if I could study, but my brain hated studying and I'd think let's take a quick break and end up having had a one or two minute study time and a whole day break. That teacher was seriously strict, bun in her hair, pencil skirt and tight blouse, I could already see she hated my guts, even as I entered the class.

I guess I'm one of the students teachers peg as trouble makers. I don't have that sort of face, you know that one with the large hazel nut shaped eyes and elvish grin? I did have hazel nut shaped eyes, but I don't normally smile and when I do it's, when there's dark humor, or when I smirk, I know right? Ok, so, when we got out of death trap.

Lunch SUCKED!!! Like full on sucked... I read percy jackson to fill the lonliness. Apparently being smart and a bookdragon was considered weird at this school, I mean really?! Had the world fallen this low?

Well I didn't really mind people thinking I was weird, it was the fact of having no one to talk to, laugh with or even to be complained at. I had never had a long lasting friend, I'd had a friend in one of my schools in fourth grade but one day she turned hateful and did anything to ruin my good reputation and not appear my friend in any way. I would never figure out why, but I had always wanted one, always hoped for one...

English... I didn't even know what to expect an evil, freaky mrs oscars or a calm friendly one, one who snarled or one who smiled. When we got to English we waited... and waited... and waited, but no one came, eventually a teacher rushed in, she was disorganized and had a sloppy smile of a new teacher,

I felt sympathetic, not a thought past, only emotion. First it was caution, then a stir of happiness and then almost , just almost a naive trust and joy began to grow.

She looked past all of us, her gaze stopped on me, in the back of my mind, I was waiting for the what had happened to mrs oscars to happen to her, a look of puzzlement passed on her face, but it was gone so fast I must have imagined it, but at least no red vines or RV's as I called them appeared in her eyes.

" please, what are all your names? Full names...please" she said. We all went along, until we got to me " Kathleen Rosette...Taylor. I normally said my mums maiden name, Pearl as my own, but I decided to let her know my actual name. Some people looked at me strangely when they thought I wasn't watching.I caught the last persons gaze who did it to me though.

She was blond, slight tan, colour changing eyes, greens,browns and blues mostly. I held her stare, putting my glance to an actual stare, most people don't like my stare probably cause I hold they're stare properly, not backing down no matter who was at the other end of the stare. She shook her head and smiled at me as if we were sharing a joke of her having dazed off. But I knew the truth, she'd been staring at me,

people's eyes go slightly glassy, unblinking, unnervingly like your dead, thought when your dead," the book is empty, the candle unlit, the soul given way, " you just know they're dead no explanation, you just feel it, they all say that, I had never experienced it first hand, thought I always had a sinking feeling of dread that I would. That was dazing off, I thought, what I'd just done.

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