The nervous goat

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I walked down the street , with my hands stuffed in my pockets and my head bowed under my hood.

I felt a tap on my arm and a women stood there looking at me.

Her pupils turned to slits and a growl ripped from her chest , she became my teacher from nursery school.

" good to see you again Mrs Marth! "

She looked confused for a moment...but then shook her head and launched herself at me with her snake like legs

I yelped jumping to the side.

Very heroic Kate , very

I picked myself up and proceeded to retrieve my knife thingys.

But as I was concentrated on that she jumped again , I jumped back.

But she was starting to realize and before I landed again from side stepping , she had made a long gash down the side of my leg.

I ran at her with my knife things head on...she hadn't seen it coming or probably just expected me to cower.

So she had turned her back on me.

Her first mistake...

I ran at her retracting form and impaled the knife things or ks as I called them ,

Into her back.

I wiped the cold sweat from my head and put my in my pockets.

I looked to where she was before but couldn't find here.

That's weird...

I started moving again , to who knows where.

But...I felt some one watching me , I looked over my shoulder and found a man who was about a couple centimeters smaller than me...following me.

I felt for my knife thingys and started pushing through the crowd towards him.

I was a bit over average height , so I slouched and blended in perfectly.

I kept walking and when I got to him , I noticed some thing I hadn't before.

He had a cap on his head , he was walking strangely , he was wearing baggy trousers and no one else paid him a second glance.

Also he smelt like...a farm.

He cleared his through though it sounded more like a bleat.

Suddenly it burst out before any logic could be placed.

" your a satyr ! " I clamped my hand over my mouth as soon as it came out.

Wow Kate I don't know where these smooth moves are coming from! * sarcasm in its fullest form *

He looked at me shocked then started laughing " of course I'm not ! " he said shaking his head.

I crossed my arms an raised my eyebrow.

" ok. ok! jeez ! we just need to get out of here! " he said looking scared scanning over both shoulders and wringing his hands.

" and don't speak so loud! Someone could have heard you! "

He suddenly grabbed my arm and started pulling me.

Suddenly logic finally decided to pay a visit.

" Wait... "

He looked at me impatiently.

" how can I be sure I can trust you? " I said crossing my arms over my chest , looking over the van behind him with suspicion.

" because..." He said rubbing his head , obviously trying to find a reason.

Suddenly from above us an unearthly shriek sounded , I looked up to find the same shadow I'd seen at my house.

" into the car it is! " I said leaping into the back of the van and slamming the door shut.

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