Sunshine never survives in hell

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All I could hear in my head was I took to long , it's my fault , I could have saved them , repeating over and over again.

I looked at my once beautiful house in ruins , ash staining its walls...the walls , walls collapsing in or fallen over.

I heard crying and a small voice pleading help. My heart stopped because I'd recognize that soft beautiful voice anywhere.

I ran over to it and pulled up what was once part of a wall. Behind it was a beautiful sister , her brown curls dampened with blood.

She whimpered and said " Kwatie " she said so softly I almost didn't hear.

My heart felt like it was breaking because it knew that if I looked through the rest of the house I would find all of my family the same way.

I tried to pull her from out under the wall , but she whimpered when I got to her legs. I tried to pry it off , but all I got was blood.

I put her head in my lap and bit my lip willing the pain my heart I was having to go away. I bit so hard I tasted the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

A lone tear wound it way down her small face. " I'm going to be okay Kwatie " she tried to move and whimpered again her eyes letting loose the tears.

"I'm gong to be width mumma an dadda. "

She smiled at me then started crying , her small frame racking with sobs.

" I dwon't want to die Kwatie , I dwon't want to! " she wailed.

"You're gonna be just fine , ok? " , I said more a question.

She looked at me with tear filled eyes and I nearly broke , I was so close to.

" your going to be ok. " I said lying through my teeth , but oh how I wished it was true.

She nodded her head and yawned.

She lay her small head on my lap and I proceeded to stroke her small head of brown curls , while singing our child hood lullaby.

" Sleep little angel ,
Sleep so well ,
Mummy's going to miss you,
Yes she will.
Sing with the Angels,
While she waits,
Maybe they'll even let you,
Peek inside the gates.
You've gotta stay with me,
Yes you do,
Cause mummy love you a whole lot
And you're all mummy's got. "

By the end of the song , my cheeks were tear stained and my heart I knew was little sunny , my only sunshine in this living hell was gone. As where my family and my whole world.

I saw a shadow on the lawn and looked to the sky something flew off.

I screamed at it , no words just screaming , I knew it wouldn't help...but what else could I do?

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