what the hell did i do?

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The weather is slightly getting colder as it settles into the beginning of October.

George grabs his clothes for the day and walks into his attached dorm room bathroom. He sets his clothes on the sick counter, then starts brushing his teeth. He spits the toothpaste out and rinses, then stares at himself in the mirror. He tilts his head to the side slightly, analyzing his features. For a split second, he wonders if Dream thinks he looks good.

Dream rolls over in bed and faces the ceiling. He brings a hand to rest on his forehead, covering his eyes from the sunlight peeking in through the window and past the curtains. He sighs before getting up and doing his daily morning routine.

Dream steps outside of his dorm building and takes a deep breath. He adores this weather, though he was raised on going to beaches. He feels a breeze blow on him and he smiles. This weather is so serene and comforting, that's why he adores it. He glances around at all the flowers dancing and trees swaying and grins. He wonders what George thinks of this weather.

George adjusts his bag on his arm as he walks across the campus courtyard, making his way to class. He stops in his steps when he sees Dream. He wonders why he's never noticed him before. Dream glances at him and smiles as he waves to him. George furrows his eyebrows, but smiles and waves right back. Then, they make their way to their own classes.

After about 7 hours, it finally nears 3:30pm. George quietly opens the library doors and walks to his seat. He pulls out his work and places it on the table, then proceeds to take notes. After a few minutes, he gives up since he can't focus. His mind keeps talking to him about the room, and his gaze keeps wanting to drift off to a certain place.

George looks around the room and sighs before getting up and walking towards the aisles of books. He reads all the sections, checking to see if they have the one he's looking for. He searches and searches and takes a breath he didn't know he was holding in once he spots it.

"English Literature" he whispers. He scans the rows of books, waiting for ones to jump out. He smiles softly as he pulls out To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. He admires the book cover, then flips it over to read the summary. He continues these actions with Macbeth, The Bell Jar, and The Great Gatsby.

Dream peeks into the library quietly. He bites his lip as he stares at their table, and smiles once he noticed George's stuff in his chair. Dream walks in and sets his stuff down, then searches for George. He hears a few book pages turn and a book be placed onto a bookshelf, so he heads in the direction of the sounds. He sneaks into the aisle playfully, but soon glances up at the section title and smiles. Dream bites his lips softly, then decides to spook George.

"I knew you'd be here!" Dream states, grabbing George's sides and tickling him. George screeches as he jumps and turns around, hands dropping the book he's holding as he does so. George smacks Dream's hands as he rolls his eyes. It dawns on George that this is the first time they've actually made some type of physical contact. He shakes his thought away, confused and annoyed as to why he even thought it, then crosses his arms at Dream.

"Stop, that's not funny" his accent appears as he speaks and Dream smiles. George frowns and tries not to smile.
"It so is! I got you! Man, that was amazing" Dream laughs, a full wholehearted laugh. He starts to bend over, placing an arm over his abdomen as he wheezes. George starts to laugh too, "Tea's ready!" Dream immediately gets it and only laughs harder as he tries to speak. Once they're both done laughing, Dream starts wiping his tears from laughing so hard. George playfully punches his bicep.

George picks up the book he dropped and places it back on the shelf.
"Nice pick, I like that one too" Dream points to the book with a grin.
"Lord of the Flies. That one actually caught me off-guard as I read. It was a true experience" Dream continues. George glances back at the book and nods, "It seemed interesting. Do you think I'd like it?" Dream's eyes widen a bit as he thinks, but he smiles softly as he answers.
"I think you'd go through many emotions with it, so you'd be back and forth with it. In the end, though, I think you'd like it" Dream answers. George smiles slightly as he puts it in a mental reminder to read.

"Ready to work?" Dream questions. George nods and they walk back to the table. Dream sits a seat next to him instead of in front of him.

"Your notes actually do help me learn a lot better" Dream comments. George smiles brightly, "I'm glad!" Dream smiles back softly and waves his pencil up and down in the air. He bites his lip, then goes back to his work. George frowns at the silence and licks his lips to re-wet them.

"So Dream," George starts. Dream glances up at him from the side and hums in response.
"What's your favorite color?" George questions. Dream furrows his eyebrows, but responds, "Lime. So like neon green. What about you?" George scrunches his face up slightly as he realizes what he asked. He was just trying to make small talk, but he didn't even think about himself.
"Blue. I'm actually, uh, colorblind. I can really only see blue clearly. Everything else is mix of like yellowish-browns" he answers. Dream furrows his eyebrows, "That's neat. Blue is really pretty and cool. Have you ever seen colors? You talk about yellow and brown like you just know what they look like."

George shakes his head and turns slightly to Dream, their knees bump each other's.
"Not really. I've just had like a few explanations of them? I don't really fully know what they look like, but at least it's the thought that counts. There really is no way to explain it to me when I can mainly see blue. My girlfriend tries to explain it all the time, but if you try to explain what's mixed into it to make it, it won't even help because I'm colorblind!" George laughs at his joke. However, Dream frowns, "You'll see color one day, then you'll be able to remember what they look like when someone tells you." Dream also has his eyes widened slightly at George's words; my girlfriend.

Dream turns back to his work after seeing George's smile. He can feel George is tense from his actions.
"What's your favorite season and weather?" Dream questions, stopping his pencil mid-sentence. George furrows his eyebrows as he thinks, twisting his mouth up slightly.
"Summer. I like going swimming and all of that. Plus, I cant really admire the colors in fall and spring" George answers. Dream nods, "What about winter, or even the fall air? I love winter, but my favorite air is fall and spring because it can get so cool. It's not hot, it's not cold. It's feel so calming; it's just perfect."

George smiles at Dream, "I can see your point. I love rain, so I guess I do admire the cool weather. Hot air is just too much. So I agree with you somewhat, but I'm not taking back my favorite season." Dream chuckles and taps his fingers on the table. George giggles with the mix of a chuckle as he feels himself loosen up with Dream. Maybe they won't just be study partners.

Written: 3/24/21 Words: 1317
me at the start of this chapter like oh god what do i write and then the end is like boom 1000 words


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