Chapter 9

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(Charlie's POV)

I sit in my room, thinking about the way Drake called me 'little miss perfect'. I had been bitter the whole afternoon. I didn't want to be mad, but I just couldn't help it. I hated being known as the perfect child. I wanted to do something fun for once. I wanted to be known as the bad child every now and then.

I decided I should start with a new wardrobe. I take the credit card my parents gave me and grab my keys. I never really use this thing, but I'm glad now because my allowances are all on there now.

I walk out, not telling anyone where I'm going. Soon I find myself in front of some store with some nice clothes in it. I grab a bunch of ripped skinny jeans in my size and then some cool shirts with old band logos on them. I choose only the bands I actually know. I grab a leather jacket and some combat boots to complete the set.

After getting some white leggings to go under my jeans, I walk out with a whole new wardrobe. I'm about to leave when I see a barber shop. Coming up with an idea, I go in and ask for an appointment. Thankfully one of the women says she'll take me even though I didn't have an appointment.

I thank her and put my bags down, sitting down in the chair. I tell her what I want and then within a few hours, I have a completely new look. I decided to get ombre to compliment my boring brown hair. When I left the barber shop, the woman stopped me telling me I forgot my sunglasses. They weren't mine, but I took them anyways.

I put everything in my car and head back home. I make it upstairs with no one seeing me and go to my bed, lying down. Man, shopping can wear you out.

Soon I fall asleep, excited for school the next day.

I wake up and hurry to get ready. I curl my hair, letting it fall perfectly over my shoulders. I put on my leggings and then a pair of the ripped skinny jeans I got, along with one of my Nirvana shirts.

I put my boots on and then grab my keys, walking out. "What the hell?" Stacey says behind me.

"What?" I turn, smirking at her.

"Why do you look so different?" she laughs.

"This was my idea of fixing my wardrobe," I tell her.

She laughs and we head downstairs to my car. Thankfully our parents aren't up to see us so I can avoid all of the questions.

Stacey gets out and I wait for Drake to show up. When he does, I just watch him as he smokes, leaning against his car. I get out, walking towards him.

I take his cigarette, taking a drag from it. "Damn, I've been waiting for one of those," I say, breathing out.

"Woah, miss thing. When did you change so drastically?" Drake asks, raking his eyes up and down my body.

I do a spin, "You like?" I ask, laughing. I fluff my hair a little.

(Drake's POV)

I loved her new style, it looked sexy on her, but I didn't want her changing for me. I take my cigarette back, stomping it out. "What's going on with you, Charlie?" I ask, frowning at her.

"What are you talking about?" she asks, smirking.

"This, your new hair, your clothes, everything. Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"I'm tired of being called little miss perfect and goody-two-shoes. I hate it now. I just want to be free and live. I'm tired of good grades and never being late," she says, exasperated. "It's so boring."

"I like the good girl. Why do you think you have to change?" I frown further at her.

"Ugh!" She groans, walking away. When she walks into the building, everyone turns to look at her and half the hall goes quiet.

"Mind your own damn buisness!" I yell.

They all turn, whispering and glancing at us. That'll have to do for now. I'm getting tired of small schools. I rush after Charlie, trying to get her to stop. "Come on, Charlie, what the hell?"

"I just want to have some fun, Drake. Why don't you let me do that?" she snaps.

She walks away, her hips swaying sexily. I'm not the only one staring as she walks away. This shit pisses me off with everyone staring at her. I would punch everyone but we all know how that would end up.

I realize she doesn't have her bags with her and I frown, hoping she doesn't do something stupid. She shouldn't risk her career for some stupid guy that she likes. I soon realize how bad I am for her. Maybe I should just end things.

My heart hurts in response, but my head tells me I should do it. I've already ruined her enough. She's started cussing, drinking, smoking, she changed her whole look, and who knows what else. I frown at this and decide on what I need to do.

(Charlie's POV)

I walk into class and smirk at the guys that stare at me. I like the new attention I'm getting, that's for sure. I usually wouldn't get a second look from guys, but now they won't stop staring. Too bad I'm off the market, I think.

I sit down and wait for class to begin. I start to silently freak out about not having my notebook, but I shrug it off when I see that we're only doing experiments today. "Okay, class, partner up and begin your experiment. Follow the instructions carefully in order for it to work properly." I look over towards Drake and smile, who just frowns at me.

I ignore that and we begin the experiment. It comes out perfectly and I begin to work on the report we have to write with it. By the end of class, I'm almost half asleep waiting for everyone to finish.

The bell rings and I walk out, heading towards art.


Drake and I stand by his car. I wrap my fingers through his belt loop and stand on my toes to kiss him. He turns his head, and I pull away. "What was that for?" I ask, frowning.

"Charlie, we should talk."

"Okay, so let's talk," I say, frowning.

I take my hands from his belt loops and stare up at him. "I'm not good for you, Charlie. I think we need to stop seeing each other," he says, not meeting my eyes.

"Excuse me?" I try to get him to look at me, but he doesn't.

"I got you to do things you wouldn't normally do. We're not good for each other," he says.

"Drake, you got me to do those things because I needed to. I had to do something to get past my shit life. I'm tired of playing it safe. I want to have fun for once!" I shout.

He doesn't look at me and I frown further, willing my tears not to fall. "Ugh! You're so insufferable!" I yell. I storm to my car and speed away from the parking lot, leaving Drake behind.

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