Chapter 36

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(Charlie's POV)

I wake up the next morning with a headache. I didn't get drunk last night, but I drank enough that I would feel it.

I sulk out of my room and to the bathroom. I take two pain killers and brush my teeth and hair. After I make myself presentable, I walk downstairs. Jessie is already here, I can hear her voice. My heart speeds up at the thought that Drake is in this house right now. Jessie sees me coming and immediately hugs me. "Oh, it's so good to see you, Charlie," She says. Her hug sends warmth throughout my body.

I hug her back, but don't speak. She reads my expression and speaks, "Oh, honey, he's not here yet. He's running really behind. There's a chance he won't be here until tomorrow," She sighs, looking down. I know she feels bad for me, but she just won't say it.

I nod, forcing a smile to my lips. "When do we start?" I ask, changing the subject. I don't think I can stand talking or thinking about Drake right now.

The first part of the morning, we're playing board games and munching on snacks. We spend some time by ourselves, but we're mostly together. It's not that bad of a start to the day.

At around three, my mom begins cooking and Jessie helps. I set up two tables outside and then lay out plates and some appetizers. The repellent my mother laid out ensures that I don't have to sit here and fan the food.

I take the cooler outside, full of drinks. I still lay out cups, just in case. My mom tells me to make a spot for Drake next to me, hoping he'll show up in time.

When she finishes cooking, she calls everyone to make their plates. We do as we're told and gather around the table. After grace, we begin eating. The first few minutes are spent in silence.

Jessie starts up a conversation about a bunch of random things, seemingly able to keep everyone occupied.

"Charlie, what are you planning on doing job wise?" Jessie asks. I'm surprised when she asks, but I try my best to focus on her question.

"Actually, there was an internship I applied for at the police department in New York. I'll basically be allowed to follow a detective and see what he does all day. It's just a small job, and I possibly won't get it, but it's a start," I say, shrugging. "It's not that big of a deal," I mutter.

Jessie's mouth is open slightly and she's staring behind me. I turn, trying to see what she's looking at. My eyes land on Drake. I can't help it when my eyes go wide. I look slightly to the right to see a girl, Drake's arm securely wrapped around her. "I'm sorry we're so late," Drake says. I turn back around, trying to avoid looking at Drake or his girlfriend.

"Charlie, why don't you get Drake's guest a chair and plate?" My mother says. I bite my tongue and push the chair back, standing. I move around Drake as far as I can get without seeming weird and avoid eye contact with him, too.

When I get back, I set the chair down on the opposite side of the table. I move my plate and place a new one down. Drake seems to understand what I'm doing because he pulls the chair out for his girlfriend and then sits down next to her. I sit down on the opposite side and keep my eyes down. I don't think I'm going to be able to look at Drake. Not right now.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Alyssa. Alyssa." Drake goes around and introduces everyone. When he says my name, a pain in my heart swells. I smile politely at her and she smiles back. She seems so nice. "Um, the only thing is, Alyssa and I are engaged."

My breath hitches in my throat and I can already feel the tears brewing. Silence fills the table, everyone unsure of what to say. After a few seconds, I can't stand it anymore. "Excuse me," I breathe.

I stand and rush inside. I move through the house and come out on the other side. I find myself in my car and I just start driving.

I can't believe that just happened. I knew I shouldn't have kept my hopes up, but I had the slightest sliver of faith left in us. How could I have waited three years for us? I should have known we wouldn't happen.

My phone starts ringing, but I shut it off, not quite ready to talk about it. I let my tears fall down and try to focus on the road. "God, I'm so stupid." I slam my hands on the steering wheel and then pull over. The last thing I need right now is to get into a car accident.

I blink back my tears and try to focus on calming down. This is so hard. I'm so upset with myself. How could I have let myself fall so hard for him? I've held on to this crazy idea that we would be happy together even after several years of not seeing each other. I can't believe I held onto this. I was in love with him for so long all while he was moving on.

He's engaged for crying out loud. I can't believe I was so blind. I misjudged everything. My heart swells in pain and aching. I know I need to go back home, but I'm not sure I can face everyone right now.

Why did I run out like that? Alyssa must be laughing right now. She's so gorgeous. She's nice and polite. I can see why Drake is going to marry her. And to think, that was supposed to be me.

I couldn't help but notice the ring on her finger, too. And the one on his. I was so blind to everything. I can't believe I actually let myself believe that we could be together. It's over.

We're over.


So this is the last chapter because I changed some things. I was gonna make it all happy and sappy and stuff but you guys wanted a sequel so 😂 Speaking of sequel, the first chapter to it is already up!! It's called 'Searching' and you can try looking it up or search my username. Enjoy guys! Please feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter! Thank you all for reading and I hope you'll read the sequel, too.

-Kayla (:

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