💚🌧☁️Jealous Satan☁️🌧💚

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Satan POV:

It was just a normal day after school, and as per usual I was spending my time in the library. We had an upcoming test in Devildom History and I wanted to be prepared the best I could be, for me and incase MC needed assistance. Despite never hearing of the devildom until they were brought here they've done excellent, but just in case I want to be sure I can help if they need it.

As I was reading 'The Devildom Tome of History, Volume III' I heard a very familiar voice.

As I look up from my book I see them, MC, talking to a strange demon.. Who tf is that?

Before I realize it I've gotten up from my seat, set my book down, and made my way over to the two of them.

"Hello MC! Are you here to study for the History test?"

I ask, hoping they didn't forget my offer or that they weren't on a study date...

I then hear their response

"Yea! Me and Belial were going to study for it, do you wanna study with us?"

They did forget...

"I'd love to, I did offer to help you study after all"

"Oh, I thought you'd be busy, you've been going to the library a lot more  then usual so I thought you had a test in another class"

Oh my Diavolo

"Ah, I see. Well, come on then MC and...  Belial...?"

I asked, how'd I forget his name already?

"I- Um.. Uh, I-I'm okay! I forgot I had to help my sister study!"

Did... Did I scare him..? Well at least I can help MC study better. No other reason for this being good. Totally... Totally

I look down and realize my nails had made my palm bleed from squeezing them... Yea that'll definitely scare someone off I suppose..

As I realize this I hear MC kindly reply as the demon hurries away

"Oh okay, good luck to you two!"

It this what Levi described?? No, no I can't be jealous. 


And yet... The way they smile at him... No, I'm just being idiotic.

But its so warming, yet I wish it was me that made them smile like that

No-NO. Don't...

"Follow me, I'll give you a mini practice quiz to see how much you know"

"Oh boy"

"What? I'm not that scary"

"You aren't but they quizzes are"

They say with a laugh, oh boy that laugh...

Wait, no. No, no, no.

I can't.. They wouldn't... Ugh.

"Would you like to study here or at home? I have my libreary card so I can always check you any books we need."

"I'd like that"

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