Asmodeus NSFW Alphabet

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A - Aftercare (what is he like after sex)

Super lovey dovely, he showers you in affection. Need a bath? On it, he'll get it perfect for the two of you. Need cuddles? He isn't planning on letting go until you tell him he has to. Want food? Something to drink? Has a stash ready to go as long as Beel didn't find it again.

B - Body part (his favorite body part, as well as his partner's body part)

Everything. Everything on both of you. To him you're both so perfect how could he ever pick just one thing?

C - Cum (mostly anything to do with cum)

Oh he adores how you look when you cover him with yours, and how you look covered with his. He may have a slight thing for the stuff but what else do you expect from him.

D - Dirty secret (his dirty secret)

He's good at the pleasure part but not so sure on the loving part of all of this. He's use to being adored from afar or for using or being used so when he has someone he loves even more than himself he's so unsure of what he should do.

E - Experience (how experienced is he? Does he know what he's doing?)

Oh, he is drowning in experience. He knows so many tricks to get any partner to scream his name. However... you're not just any partner to him.

F - Favorite position (his favorite pose)

As long as he can look at you and you can look at him he doesn't care, for him anyway.

G - Goofy (is he serious? humorous? etc..)

He leans on the more serious side but he still is quite humorous during it.

H - Hair (how well groomed is it?)

Very well groomed, he takes great pride in his looks and the includes EVERYTHING.

I - Intimacy (how romantic is he?)

Depends on what you want, he tends to lean towards romantic with you though. He's never felt this way before, or at least to this degree and he wants you to KNOW how loved you are.

J - Jack off (masturbation)

Depends on how often the two of you go at it, if it's not often or never he's on the high end.

K - Kink (one or more of his kinks/fetishes)


L - Location (favorite places)

His room, it looks so good for a reason! Sure he has me mentality that it has to be just as 

M - Motivation (what turns him on)

What doesn't? In all honestly you could be doing almost anything and his mind will be in the gutter, but he doesn't want you to feel objectified so he holds back slightly on his comments.

N - No (what he wouldn't do)

Noncon, he always want explicit permission. Even if it's just a codeword you to came up with if you really want that but he NEEDS to make sure you're okay with everything

O - Oral (prefers to give or receive?)

Give, when he isn't complained about receiving he simply prefers the view when he gives.

P - Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual?)

Anything you want, he's down for anything as long as he gets to have you

Q - Quickie (does he like fast sex)

He'll gladly take one, although he'll tend to prefer taking his time with you. 

R - Risk (does he like experiments/risks)

YES, he adores them. As long as neither of you are in actual danger he'll do basically anything

S - Stamina (for how many rounds it is enough)

However many it takes to please you, this man could last forever if he wanted

T - Toys (does he have toys? does he use them?)

He loves teammates, he just adores the idea of getting you all railed up without directly touching you

U - Unfair (does he like to tease)

Loves it, if you're okay with it he'd just tease you for hours until you're begging for more, and if you want to do the same to him? Adores it.

V - Volume (how loud it is, what sounds it makes, etc.)

Another loud boy, he doesn't see the need to be quiet and he's naturally loud. He doesn't care if everyone in the Three Realms heard, after all in his mind it'll just show WHO got him like this.

W - Wild card (random headcannon)

He'd love mirror sex not to look at him but to look at every angle of you.

Y - Yearning (his sexual attraction)

THROUGH THE ROOF! He's practically bursting with how badly he wants you consistently but for you he'll pretend he isn't as needy as he is. He wants you to be comfortable and still loves those wholesome moments with you. He'd do anything for you so acting like he doesn't want you like that makes you more comfortable in the moment he'll do it in a heartbeat. Hell if you said the word he'd go without till the day he died, he doesn't care as long as he has you.

Z - Zzz (how quickly he then falls asleep) 

If you fall asleep he'll follow you into dream land quite quickly, although he prefers to give you and him extensive aftercare. Bath with petals type of man.

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