Beelzubub NSFW Alphabet

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A - Aftercare (what is he like after sex)

Very cuddly, would certainly pick you up and carry you to the kitchen to make food if you're hungry. He'll carry you anywhere you want, but if you just want to cuddle he'll be right there. One of the times he doesn't need food to feel full

B - Body part (his favorite body part, as well as his partner's body part)

Honestly, everything. Every single part is basically adored by this man. However, if he had to pick he'd pick your neck or chest. Just loves feeling your heartbeat and that's where he can feel it best.

C - Cum (mostly anything to do with cum)

Loves to lick it off of you, or out of you depending on how it went down

D - Dirty secret (his dirty secret)

Gets more jealous then he shows, and doesn't even really know what those feelings are. Best way he knows how to describe it is 'hungry', wanting more of you.

E - Experience (how experienced is he? Does he know what he's doing?)

A little, but not much. Doesn't tend to pursue romance, the only experience he has is when others in the past have pursued him. To him though, you're different.

F - Favorite position (his favorite pose)

Cowgirl or missionary. Basically anything he can do to look at you. Cowgirl makes him worry less about accidentally hurting you but loves to be the one to actively make you feel good.

G - Goofy (is he serious? humorous? etc..)

Serious. Completely and utterly. He'll be playful if you are first but tends to try and focus on making sure he's making you feel good and that you're not in pain at any point.

H - Hair (how well groomed is it?)

First time? Very unruly. Didn't exactly expect anything like that to happen the first time. However, from then one the grooming is ON POINT. More of the type to let it get unruly if he doesn't think you'll be around for a while.

I - Intimacy (how romantic is he?)

Very, practically worships every inch of you. He absolutely adores you and makes sure to always show you that fact. He knows he's not always good at explaining how he feels with words so attempts to show it with actions.

J - Jack off (masturbation)

Mostly after high adrenaline situations, like stressful or high intensity game.

K - Kink (one or more of his kinks/fetishes)

May be a commonly believed thing but size kink. He would be into food kinks but worries about getting you all sticky so unless it's your idea wouldn't mention it.

L - Location (favorite places)

Depends on the mood, he'll love one of your beds for a more romantic experience but sometimes he needs to blow off some steam after an intense game. If you're willing he'll gladly let that steam lose with you

M - Motivation (what turns him on)

You. May be cheesy but basically anything you do could do it for him. He just adore looking at you, and sometimes his mind may wonder a bit. The second you even hint at wanting him he'd be willing, he just makes sure you're serious then picks you up raring to go.

N - No (what he wouldn't do)

Anything he thinks could hurt you. He's lost so much in his life, some or most of it he blames himself for he refuses to do anything slightly pain inflicting as if he thinks you'll break like fine china. If you reassure him he'll be okay with a little nibble but nothing that'll draw blood

O - Oral (prefers to give or receive?)

Give. Don't get me wrong he'll gladly receive but he's just addicted to how you taste

P - Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual?)

Tends to be on the slower and passionate side naturally, taking care of you however he can think of. If you ask for rough or speed he'll give it but wants to make sure you'd be okay first. Knows he's a big guy, and knows it could be a lot to handle.

Q - Quickie (does he like fast sex)

Doesn't prefer it, would rather take his time with you but if you ask he'll deliver.

R - Risk (does he like experiments/risks)

Depends on the risk. As stated earlier he would refuse to do anything that could be painful to you, and also would be hesitant on doing anything that would get you two seen by others. He would prefer to keep the view of you to himself.

S - Stamina (for how many rounds it is enough)

He could keep going till dawn if you let him, but he doesn't want to push you. However many you initiate is enough for him.

T - Toys (does he have toys? does he use them?)

Not before he had you, if you want them he'll gladly think of them as a teammate. Doesn't have them until you say you want them.

U - Unfair (does he like to tease)

From time to time, but only if you try to tease him first. Tends to dive right into you, but may accidentally tease you with how badly he wants a taste of you though.

V - Volume (how loud it is, what sounds it makes, etc.)

Tries to be quiet, just wants to hear you and every noise you give him. He'll grunt and pant unless you ask him to let out how he sounds. Still isn't loud when he does but at least you can hear him. Might whimper if you give him head they way he does to you.

W - Wild card (random headcannon)

Is the embodiment of so many Hozier songs. Absolutely worships you in so many ways, even if he can't express it well with words.

Y - Yearning (his sexual attraction)

Higher than he'll admit, just wants you so badly in any way he can. He could go without if you prefer that, obviously, but just loves the feeling of being one with you. Thinks about it romantically, but if you don't want to he'll find a different way to feel close to you like that.

Z - Zzz (how quickly he then falls asleep)

Not until you do. Would probably pull you onto his chest if you're okay with it and let you use him as I giant body pillow, running his hands throughout your hair so lovingly as he whispers sweet nothings to you.

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