🧡 Video Game Lover..? Part 3 🧡

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'You can modify human games?'

Levi asks, intrigued

"Ya, just depends on the game and platform. Like with the Sims you can't mod on counsel but can on a computer if I remember correctly."

"Huh, could you mod a game like we were playing?"

"Those are tricky, and usually if you do you'll get banned for cheating"

"What if I just want to mod a skin?"

"Uh, I'm not sure"



"Shhhhhh, they're starting the game play!"




"Okay, so I just unpaused the game. From now on I'm not going to interfere unless it's to stop an untimely death that the game triggers. Don't worry, I'll still narrate everyone! I know some of you audience has eye issues or sleeps to my videos so I'm going to try and describe things well for you guys :)"

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