25.1 Happiest day

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"Wuxie... Why are you here this hour? Come come."

It was late but the thing Pangzi said was eating my brain. I could sit peacefully at my home so I rushed to Zhang mansion even if it was nighttime. It was Rishan brother who welcomed me.

"Rishan brother. How are you doing?"

"Yeah of course you have to ask this. Tell me when did I last saw you? A month before!?"

"No no.. It's just a couple of weeks. If I had known that you would miss me so much, I would have visited you."

"Next time. Haha.."


It's always refreshing talking with Rishan brother. Even if my intention wasn't to see him, still out of courtesy I spend some minutes talking with him.

"Actually I had asked Zhang about you once."

"Oh! Tell me?"

"I asked him how are you doing lately. And he said, 'I don't know.'"

"Well... excepted."

"No, listen -

[ Rishan: You don't know? He is not coming to the office or what?

Kylin: He is. But I don't see him much lately.

Rishan: Why so? You two fought?

Kylin: No.

Rishan: Then what?

Kylin: I don't know. He won't come to see me. ]

- That's what he said. Wuxie? Why you stopped seeing him. He seemed pretty sad"

"He is sad?"

"Well... Seems so."

"I was busy lately. So I kinda ignored him for the past weeks."

"Wuxie? Don't tell me..."

"No. I don't have a change of mind. I wanted this project to complete as soon as possible and well."

"Mmm.. It's good. Then why did you come today?"

"There is a thing. Brother, how was his mood in the evening?"

"Down. He went straight to his room."


"What's the matter?"


At that time, a maid passed with a towel in her hand. As Rishan brother saw her, he asked

"What's that for?"

"Ah. The young master wanted to bathe in the pool. So he told me to put it there."

She was going to Xiao ge. I didn't want to waste time anymore. So I snatched the towel from her hand.

"Rishan brother. I'll go see him now. Bye."

When I reached the poolside, he was nowhere to be found. So I looked into the pool. He was under the water.

"Xiao ge."

He didn't hear me but seconds later he came up to the water. Pulling his hair back, his forehead was visible. Every time I see him, his beauty never fails to amaze me. His fair face never satisfies me in my dreams wanting to see him in real and when I see him this close it will feel like a dream. I was so lost in his beauty that only when he asked I did come back to reality.

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