engraved inscription

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The surfaces of the earth perish as the h/c haired girl undergo defeat in a game of love
Once again.

❝ We'll stumble upon ourselves as ourSouls must ought to be incarnated yet in another time,Thus

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We'll stumble upon ourselves as our
Souls must ought to be incarnated
yet in another time,
Thus...the surfaces of the earth
Shall grow flowers
Once again.

❛ The demoiselle bid her Goodbyes as sheMaintain bleeding In the field ofDandelions

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The demoiselle bid her
Goodbyes as she
Maintain bleeding
In the field of

December 16 2021 was the exact date I finished the story! And since then, I have grown a lot. I was only 13 years old when i started the story and its already 2024 right now, many things changed.

After undergoing a quite long hiatus I would like to make some serious and heavy editing regarding the story since there's so many existing grammatical errors within it. I would like to provide my readers the best experience!

Thankyou all! <3
Current date: 5/27/24.

The fourth maiden of Ymir  [UNDER HEAVY REVISIONS/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now