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"First thing, let's see if you're good for something!, just tie the ropes to both of your waists, and hang down from there!"

Oh how the morning was so ravishing to look at, if only his voice wasn't causing aggravation in both sides of your ears, trainess formed in lines as commander shadis gave them instructions.

"Use your full body belts for balance! Those who can't manage that will be used as bait—-"

"Sorry i'm late!" You stated as you step in, with your hair lacking in order, wearing such a cluttered uniform, once again you got the engrossment of the many as you scratch your head in total embarassment.

The bald commander instantly face palmed as he saw your chaotic appearance, he was so frustrated to the point he was stopping himself to burst out the words he compiled just for you.

"You little piece of shit! Go to your line now!"


"This is the most basic step, but from there we can get a good grasp of your general aptitude, that girl there look at her" one of the higher ups stated as they administrated the young trainees, he was pointing out the oriental teenage girl with both of their eyes labeled with instense approval. He was referring to your childhood friend, mikasa.

"This is what I call perfect, she knows exactly what to do and how to do it, that's what i mean by aptitude." You heard one of them as they continue their instance of observing, you let out of involuntary reaction of boredom as you continue to twirl few strands of your hair at the back of the crowd.

"Speaking of aptitude, if some people can perform much better than the others, the exact opposite is equally true."They critiqued as the young trainess look at yeager's condition with an intense dismay. He was now in an upside-down position with his gear that caused him great disorder.

You stopped twirling your hair, you took few glimpse of his gear as you inspect closely at his current condition, you were at the back with couple of people distracting you within sight. Considering your outstanding process of reasoning, you immediately came to an awareness that something was wrong with his gear.

"What's the big idea, eren jeager?! Upper body up!" You heard shadis's annoying voice as he continue to criticize eren's failure.


"Just follow the basics, you should be able to pull it off, dont go for anything exceptional, keep your muscle in your body taunt—-" you heard mikasa's clarification as you lost your focus of mind in the conversation they had. They were basically assisting eren because of the incident that have happened earlier.

You kneeled down as couple of butterflies have dropped by, armin couldn't help but to giggle at your sudden knaveries. Not caring about eren's state of being, mikasa was still showering eren with interpretations and instructions.

"This time around, i'm sure i'm gonna make it, pull me up armin" Eren instructed as he carry intense self-assurance.

You turn around as you wait for the result, eren lost balance as his head made an impact on the ground. The specific impact created a loud thud that made the butterflies to sprint away, leaving you with a frowned expression.

The fourth maiden of Ymir  [UNDER HEAVY REVISIONS/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now