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If i were you, i would've let them learn with certainty the burden you have endured,

Coming into vague awareness of your doppelgänger's company once again, you draw back in fear as her vocal waves relinquish wagons of quivers down to your spine, ascertaining her unsympathetic voice persuade your enflaming state to exploit her indirect earnest request,

You discharge your hook marking his chest as your blast thrust painfully through his heart,
His fluid bombarded almost everyone, considering The destructive force situated inwardly his body, the sudden burst of turbulent takes place within his interior part as his limbs seperate widly on the air,

His leg descended into armin's lap as he let out a terrifying screech, in spite of such truculent sudden turn of events, he optioned to centered his attention into the wain as it continued its motion,

his crimson fluid begun to fall in drops as it blemish everyone's clothing,

"S-shit Y/n! You killed him!"

"Dont act like its new To you, piece of shit!"

nevertheless of the immense persistent mental pain you hand over towards your fellow jean, you optioned to center your engrossment instead, over the said hazardous standing as the burden mental distress commence to constrain you concerning the thread that trail after your missing pieces are now slowly getting farther and farther away,

You have undergo a lot already, are you going to condone everything now that the thread that track after the responses concerning your questions extend just infront of you?

Her voice transport wagon of pressures towards you as everything within your perspective commence to be formidable to negotiate with,

dont you salivate to ascertain the question you are overgrown to be thristy of?

You materialize such vehemet impact that descended directly into the individual that said to be engaged with central bridge, the aggressive impinge resulted her nose to kept bleeding as the fluid streamed in drops approaching from her nose, despite of not yet recovering concerning your burdensome words, jean assemble his prevailing puissance as he threaten the central bridge,

"D-dont move!"

He speaked with involuntary disruption as your words kept circling around his head,

"I t-told you not to move!"

The central bridge individual impact his firearm with an etiquette of a swaying motion as jean descended downward of the said wain, sequence of possibilities started to flood him as he condone his upcoming death,


Each and everyone ascertain the unpleasant stimulation thrust against their abdomen as they eyed their fellow that is in immediate
culminating in a life or death occurrence, inside of a fractional part of a second, their shiftings of motion proceed in a less rapid pace as you have come into a great reasoned judgment of terminating the physical combat
under any circumstances in just a single move,

Mountain of sweats streamed down into your womanly embody as you hold back indecision, flaunting such uncertainty within your facial arrangements,

Would you rather conduct the specified move in order to terminate the physical combat between the central bridge once and for all? Or to save the life of your fellow?

You striked the said central bridge individual carrying such wagons of immense firepower, the said shifting motion reflects your outraged as her substantiate discharged out of the moving wain, her crimson fluid splatters far and wide as her head detach from her body, considering she was loosed in a shifting wain and was soon after collided in some unaccustomed object, this result an intense emotional upset over the said military troop,

Even the opposing team wherein you belonged felt sympathetic sorrow over the course of her death, finally the central bridge individuals shift in a continous motion farther and farther away aftereffect deserting an only option over to the said military troop,

Is to let the mp's withdraw,

It was like letting go of everything, letting go the thread that trace after your missing pieces,

The military troop layovers their motion of shifting as the charcoal haired youngster insisted, you were just rising straight up behind the said troop with your mournful current welfare,

Your left eye were strongly critical wounded
as the blood continued to stream in droplets approaching from your outer coat enclosing eyeball, presumably representing your heartrending feeling in immediate, your open wound commence to twinge as you bypass any of the persistent ache you could ascertain,

The sound of you breaking down entangle the immediate immersion of the said troop as you mantain without momentary halt shedding in tears,

The answers were just infront of you! Yet you failed to grapple any singe of it, Ascertaining the factuality, you became severely impatient as you overlook the prostration that now commence to abide within your body,

"H-hey y/n! Everything will be okay! W-we'll find a way to save eren and historia!"

"Yeah! Armin is right!—"

"Fuck! I'm tired!....shit..shit...shit! I've come so far now!, because of your hesitation jean! I wasn't able to show my sisters what i'm capable of!.."

"H-hey let's talk this over.."

"Dont! Just d-dont !...fuck shit! Dont you touch me!"

Each and everyone were stricken with sudden immense emotional disturbance as they cannot swallow the sudden turn of events, they eyed you with gestures of unadulterated sympathy as your fluid maintain without momentary halt, streamed in droplets,

Beholding you in such standing,—with your h/c chaotic strands now in low-lying lenght condition, clutching the said foreign gear in such maddened etiquette, respiring in a prostrate manner, seeing e/c pigmented eyes that used to be briskly alert, now drained while the your fluid streamed in droplets approaching from the said location, just fabricate an immense cargo of feeling against their abdomen,

"T-this isnt the first time isnt? —"

"L-look y/n, w-were just in thesame standing, we're tired too—"

"Shut up!.....Just shut up!.....I-i just dont want to hear all of your voices just for now! Can't you see?! Its wearisome!...—"

"—you piece of shit dont know the hell that i have to undergo! I waited fucking millenniums just to answer the questions i was so thirty of!"

In an eyeblink you layover your loud vocal expressions as you ascertain the feeling of regret,

Crimson fluid maintain without momentary halt, stream in droplets as you ascertain finally the spice of iron, the afternoon breeze clasp its arms around you, as it give assistance the throe to commence that abide within your embody,

The gentle breeze outstretched its wings as your h/c chaotic winged onwards your drained facial arrangements, wearing nothing but terrorize mental reaction

"Millenniums? What do you mean y/n?"


The fourth maiden of Ymir  [UNDER HEAVY REVISIONS/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now