Chapter Seven

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"You two go catch up with your mother and after about an hour tap the bolt on this bracelet and it will transport you to my throne room both of you and your mother will be needed." I say as I hand Hestia a bracelet.

"What will you be doing then and why did you bring Apollo?" Hades asks with confusion.

"Apollo and I have some other people to see. We will see you in about an hour in my throne room." I reply before flashing out and the last thing a saw was the knowing look of Hestia. How does she always know everything.

When our vision cleared we were on the Island of Delos the prison of the mother of the twin archers. I look over at Apollo to see a smile on his face, I guess he figured out what I was going to do.

"Go reunite with your mother and after an hour bring her to the throne room of Caelum." I say with a smile. Whilst Apollo was smiling so wide I was afraid his face would split.

"Thank you my love this means so much to me, but what are you going to be doing?" He replies with a hint of worry. Aww he is so sweet.

"I have one more stop to make if you remember the gods never made good on their oath to release someone I met during the Second Titan War. I was reminded of that by a friend of mine during the Second Giant War, I also have a feeling that he is there with her but they cannot leave." I reply. He looks at me with confusion at first until a look of realization takes its place with his mouth forming an 'oh'.

I smile and transport myself to the Island that no man can find twice, Oygigya. I look around and see it is exactly how it was when I left it. I start the trek towards the small hut, when I reached it I heard the melodious song of Calypso and the unmistakable sound of a forge. Just as I thought Leo is here as well. Once I reached the house I walk in and see Calypso by the oven cooking something that smells amazing.

"My my this place hasn't changed in the ten years since I've been here has it Calypso." I say with amusement clear in my voice. Just as I Finnish talking she turns around and looks at me. She pales about three shades as if she has seen a ghost.

"Do bring Leo in here it is about time you two left this Island." She just numbly nods and walks out the room to where I assume Leo is after about five minutes of waiting she comes back in with a very confused Leo until he sees me then he looks the same as Calypso.

After I explain everything that has happened since leo left to find Calypso. I told them they had an hour to pack before we leave.

After about an hour they had everything they wanted to take ready to go I flashed it to there palace in Caelum that I had built for them then flash us to my throne room. Where I raise to my godly height and sit on my throne just as I sit the sisters of fate flash onto there thrones. I give them a brief nod and they a nod in return as we understand each other without saying anything. They have agreed to what I planned.

After a further twenty minutes of waiting Hades and Hestia appear in a flash of lightning along with their mother Rhea, scaring Leo half to death. A few seconds later Apollo flashes in with Leto. After everyone arrives I announce something.

"Let us begin."

"Now I'm sure you are all wondering why I brought you here and why you are such a mixed group of people. First things first is that you should take your seat my love."

This got many confused looks but Apollo only smiled and grew to his new godly height of thirty feet. He sat in the throne next to mine and looked over to me with a living smile on his face. I looked back over to my guests to see many shocked faces, a very proud Leto and a knowing Hestia. How does she always know everything?

"Now that my husband has finally taken his seat let us get to the reason I brought you here. As the primordial of the sky and of peace I have decided to create a council, and before you ask no I will not be attacking Olympus as this would disrupt peace which goes against my very nature. For the most part this council will be making decisions and guiding from the shadows to maintain peace. As you can see our council only has five members at the moment." As I said this I gestured to myself, Apollo and the Fates.

"What are your domains you only said the sky to the Olympians?" Hestia asked.

"Ah yes I knew there was something I had forgotten let us introduce ourselves to our guests. I am Caeli Perseus primordial god of the heavens, the sky, loyalty and peace. King of Caelum." After my announcement I looked over to Apollo, he got my message and started talking.

"I am Phoebus Apollo primordial god of the sun, knowledge, music and medicine. King of Caelum." After he finnished the fates started to speak in unison.

"We are the fates, Clotho, Lachises and Atropos. We are the primordial goddesses of fate and inevitability, each of us hold a third of our mother Anakne's power."

"Now I need to build my council with people I trust as loyalty can go a long way. Now Lady Rhea will you step forward."

Rhea took a tentative step forward and did a quick bow though it wasn't very good.

"No need to bow to me Rhea. But I do have a proposition for you. It seems like after the second giant war we are in need of a new primordial of the Earth. One who is compassionate and loving, I believe you would be a perfect fit for this. So what do you say will you take on this new responsibility  and join our council?" After I finnished speaking I was only met with scilence and shocked faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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