Chapter Six

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Percy POV


"Correct, I am back." I casually reply as if they haven't been looking for me for the past five years.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN." Zeus bellowed rage clear on his face.

"You know here and there, I've been around." I casually replied.

"What my husband meant to say was we have been looking for you for the past five years ever since you ran away. No one has been able to find you, it was like you were no longer on earth. So we have been wondering where you were and why have you come back now." The ever diplomatic Lady Hera asked.

"Hmmm where to begin I'm here for two reasons and for where I have been, I've been with my father Ouranos in his palace in the sky." Before I could continue. Zeus and Posiedon stood up and screamed 'TRAITOR' as the pulled out there weapons they both fired at me before I could finish explaining. I just rolled my eyes and brought down a lightning bolt onto myself that was at least five feet wide and everyone was blown back into there throne as dust swept in every direction.

When the dust cleared I was stood there in my godly height of thirty feet with my wings spread wide at there full sixty foot wing span. "SILANCE" I bellowed and the very ground shook with the power of my voice.

"I am Lord Perseus Primordial of the heavens, the sky, loyalty and peace. I have come to warn you that a threat is coming." Before I continue the idiot that Poseidon is decided to jump up and shout about how I was too powerful and I needed to be killed. I rolled my eyes and flicked my wrist and he flew back into his throne and I created ropes of storm clouds to keep him in place.

"Do not interrupt me sea god. As I was saying a threat is coming the giants and the titans are rising at the same time. You will surely fail but from the goodness of my own heart I have decided to help you in this upcoming war but not if you attack me again." I said the last bit with an edge to my voice.

"How can you help us we are the mighty gods." Zeus very arrogantly stated.

"Well for one I am a primordial and two I have an army of five hundred soldiers to help. Even the weakest in my army could take down at least ten of your pathetic demigods."

"How is it you have an army that big Perseus?" The ever curious Athena wondered.

"Well they live in my city the city of the sky, Caelum, It is there where they train and everyone of them is immortal and when they die they do not go to tarturas to reform but to my domain till they can return home." I easily replied.

"If it is the city of the sky how have I never been there for I am the mighty Zeus king of the sky." He bellowed whilst standing up.

"Sit down small god, you may be king of Olympus but you are not the king of the sky that would be me you hold a very small part of my domain Zeus and I could take it away if I wanted to." I threatened with an edge to my voice. Everyone looked shocked about what I said about taking away his domains.

"Now onto some more news I have given Lady Styx a new power so to speak because she could not drag you down to tarturas for breaking an oath on her river I have given her the power to take away an immortals immortality for a year so I would be careful because you will be able to die a mortal death in that year. So be mindful of your current oaths and the oaths you take in the future." There were several shocked faces and some gasps but also some small smiles as well like on Hera. "Now I need to leave I have things to do and places to be. But I need two gods to come with so if you will Apollo and Hestia come stand next to me." They did as I said and I flashed us to Hades palace in the Underworld.

When we arrived in the throne room only Hades was there as Persephone was on Olympus. At first he looked surprised but it quickly changed to confusion then recognition.

"Perseus?" He asks. I just nod in response. I then proceed to tell him where I have been and what I have been doing as well as what I just told the Olympians about the war. He looked a bit shocked and scared as well.

"I must get Nico he will want to see you." Hades exclaims. I quickly answer before he can do anything.

"That won't be necessary as Nico has known where I have been since a month after I left, he comes and visits quite often. The same goes for Thalia." After I say that I hear laughter behind me I turn to see Apollo clutching his sides howling in laughter.

"So my......sister has......been......ranting her lieutenant knew." He just about managed to get out between his laughs.

"She not only knew where I was but she can transport herself there same goes for Nico." I reply with a small chuckle.

"How?" I hear Hestia ask. I just smile as I reply.

"I gave Thalia a special necklace that has a lightning bolt on it when she taps that lightning bolt one will come down and strike her and she will be transported to Caelum the courtyard of the palace to be exact same goes for Nice but he has a bracelet instead." I reply with a warm smile throughout.

"Anyway that is not the reason I am here, so let's get to it the reason I am here is to pick up Hades I believe we have a some people to free with the first being Rhea." As I finish I hear more gasps and some smiles as well. I tell Hades to gather round with the others and transport to the island of the mother of the gods.

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