Chapter Three

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Percy POV


And with that he launched himself at me tackling me to the ground and I landed with a gracious oomph.

"Where have you been we all didn't give up on you. You left me and that hurt a lot percy. I....I don't know what I would do without you." He ranted he voice becoming small, vulnerable and thick with emotion. How could I not think how this would effect him Nico is emotionally unstable at the best of time uhh why is life so difficult.

"It was never my intention to leave you but I just had to get away from that place and away from her. I was always going to come back for you, you are my little brother and I promise to never leave you again. I know I have a lot of explaining to do but for that I need to take you to my new home. Okay?"

"Yeah okay. How are we getting there?" The only response I gave was a smirk and called done a lightning bolt that would have made Zeus jealous. And just like that we disappeared only to reappear in the courtyard of my fathers palace.

"Uhhh....Perce what was that and where are we?"

"Well that was lightning travel. Kinda like shadow travel and for your seacond question. Welcome to the court of Ouranos, the city of the heavens, Caeldum." I answered with a proud smile. He just looked at me like I grew a seacond head. Before wiping he head round so fast I thought he would get whiplash. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips.

"Okay. Explain now" I thought it over for a few minutes with him staring intently at me. I gave a big sigh and launch into my explanation from when Alex showed up at camp to now skipping over my meeting with Apollo. Because I do not need a lecture on that, I told him how everyone at camp betrayed me apart for Chris and Clarisse. He was just as surprised as me at that fact and he found it very cool that I'm training to be a primordial.

"So yeah that's what happened. Before you start speaking and asking question do not say you are sorry for me because I am not. In a way I am glad she showed her true colours and now I am happy in my new home although I am sad I had to leave certain people behind. Like you." Finally got that off my chest. I see Nico take a deep breath and I get ready to listen to what he had to say.

"Not going to lie perce this is a lot to take in. I'm glad you are happy now and I'm happy you were coming back to see those of us that didn't leave you. But I can't stay up here with you however much I want to I still have responseabilities in the underworld." He finnished in a sad tone.

"That's fine and anyway you can come here whenever you want to see me. And before you ask no you can not shadow travel up here but here have this bracelet." I hand him a bracelet that was a silver band with a blue lightning bolt. "Whenever you want to come see me tap the bolt on the bracelet and a lightning bolt will come down and transport you here but don't worry it won't hurt you." He smiled when I gave it to him. Which filled me with happiness.

"Okay well I don't have to get back for a few hours so why don't you show me around." I quickly agreed and showed him around.

A few hours later it was time for Nico to leave but before he did I needed to ask him something. "Hey Nico I need you to do me a favour. I need tou to tell Thalia what I have told you and to give her this necklace it works the same as your bracelet. I can't risk Artemis finding me because it would raise to many question on Olympus. Okay?"

"Of course I will, and I totally understand why you can't but one question how do I get down?" I laugh at that question because I completely forgot to tell him.

"Just tap the bracelet and you will be lightning traveled back into the clearing where you were before." He does what I say and he is gone.

Time Skip One Year

It's been one year since I saw Nico he has come to visit a few times over the last year and Thalia came up and explained to her and she comes visits when she can get away from the hunt. And I'm still training my father informed me he is fading sooner than we thought in the next two years. But right now I'm finally going to go visit Apollo see if maybe he will accept me and hopefully start a relationship.

So right now I'm on my way to his palace and my stomach is doing somersaults.

I finally arrived and no one was there so I just waited after twenty minutes he came through the door and I stood up. As soon as he saw me he stopped and dropped all the papers he was holding all over the floor and he first looked shocked then happy then really really angry oh shit I'm in trouble.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. IT HAS BEEN OVER A YEAR AND YOU SAID YOU WOULD COME VISIT ME. WE KISSED AND THEN I DON'T SEE YOU FOR OVER A YEAR HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL." At this point he was crying whilst shouting I ran forward and pulled him into a tight hug whispering soothing words into his ear. when he calmed down I decided to explain.

"I really wanted to come visit you but I thought you would hate me for kissing you. I was so scared that you would reject me. I have loved you since I first met you when you gave me and the hunters a ride. I never said anything because you were a god so I thought you would never love me back. But when I came to see you after I left you were so vulnerable and cute and I couldn't help but kiss you. I sorry if it made you uncomfortable I didn't even know if you were into guys. I know you are probably thinking about Annabeth but I'm Bisexual so. Yeah that's why I haven't come and that is what I wanted to tell you and please if you do reject me please be nice." He surprised me by pulling me into a deep passionate kiss.

"Umm Okay that was unexpected but very welcome" I said breathing hard with my forehead against his and I could see he was about to speak so I started to listen.

"I love you too. I have since I met you but I never told you because I thought you were straight because you were going after Annabitch but when we offered you godhood I was hopeful and I was really sad when you turned it down. But now that you are immortal I was wondering...willyoubemyboyfriend?" He said but spat the last part out so fast I didn't understand what he said.

"I love everything you just said but I didn't understand the last part so you are going to repeat that." I finnished with a chuckle. He took a deep breath and asked me a question that filled me with hope and joy.

"Will you be my boyfriend? he asked nervously.

"Nothing in this world would make me happier. But you must know something's first I cannot tell you how I got immortality for it is not time yet. But in time you will know I cannot always be here with you but will try to come see you whenever I can. And lastly take this bracelet if you ever need me or just want to see me or you need a shoulder to cry on just tap the lightning bolt and I will come no matter what I am doing no matter what the time is." I could see he was thinking it over and after about a minute I was starting to get really nervous when he finally spoke.

"I can agree to that. But I want to be the first to know, I also I'll not tell the council about us because I'm guessing you don't want them to know yet and I love you."

I couldn't help but smile at his words and think about just how much I love this man. And I can't wait till I can tell him because when I do I will marry him that I am certain of.

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