Chapter Five

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Percy POV

Now comes the hard bit, talking to Atlas.

I start the trek up to where Atlas is held prisoner under well me. Strange how now I am the very sky if I wanted to I could let my conscience dissipate into the sky. Ugh apparently I still have ADHD so back on track.

Once I finnished that thought I was on top of the mountain. And there he is Atlas right where I left him after I saved Artemis. So I walk right up to him he still doesn't me as he has his head done and I couldn't be bothered to wait so I cleared my throat loudly. His head snapped up when he heard me.

"Who are you?" He rather rudely grunted.

"I am Perseus Primordial of the heavens, the sky, loyalty and peace. And I have an offer for you."


"Oh shut it I have an offer for you and it involves letting you out from under well me." He very wisely kept his mouth shut. "Good, now there is a war coming and now it is not with me attacking the Olympians the titans and giants are rising and working together and the Olypians can not go up against both of them and they will loose. But after the titans and giants win they will go to war with each other and all life on earth will be destroyed and they will have nothing to rule over. As the Primordial of Peace I can not let that happen and have decided to help the Olypians although I do hate some of them. This brings us to my offer, if I release you from your punishment you will swear loyalty to me and swear not to attack Olympus without my instruction and you will never attack Caelum which is my home. You will train my army and be co-commander of them with someone you know quite well. So what is it you choose."

"So let me get this straight you want me to train your army and fight the titans and giants for the Olympians and you will get me out from under the sky?" He asked.

"Well technically you would be fighting them for me and after you never have to see most of the Olympians again." I replied.

"Most?" Oh well great now I have to tell him I married Apollo.

"Well, I married Apollo and yes willingly. So you will have to see him and anyone else I want to put on my council but that will probably be Hades and Hestia. Do you want out from under the sky or not?" He seemed to think it over for a while before he came to a decision.

"Yes I agree to your terms." I just smiled.

"Now repeat after me, I Atlas swear on Perseus Primordial of Peace swear to follow the terms layed out before me by Perseus." He nodded and repeated the oath which I happily accepted.

I looked back at him and snapped my fingers and the sky lifted off of his shoulder and back to where it belonged. Atlas stood and stretched before giving me a smile and surprisingly a hug.

"Well now I have a small gift for you, call it an apology for trapping you under the sky." He looked confused but nodded. I just emailed and started to speak in greek.

"Εγώ ο Περσέας αρχέγονος του ουρανού δίνω στον Άτλαντα τον τομέα των καταιγίδων βροντής.(I Perseus Primordial of the sky here by give Atlas the domain of thunder storms.)" There was a massive rumble of thunder when I finnished and Atlas glowed for a few seconds before it stopped. He looked the same apart from he now had a bigger aura of power around him.

He just looked at me in adoration I think. "Now I think you should go meet your co-commander but don't worry she knows you are coming but she does expect an apology and maybe a hug." Now he looked really confused but I didn't give him time to respond as I just waved my hand and he disappeared in a swirl of wind to go face the music so to speak.

Now onto the next person I need to go see Lady Styx. I quickly flashed down to the banks of the Styx as lightning travle would alert Hades and he would think it is Zeus and I can not be bothered to deal with that as well.

"Lady Styx I need to speak with you I want to give you a new power over your domain of oaths." That should hopefully get her attention. I waited for about five minutes before the water started to rise and solidify into the shape of a beautiful woman. With murky green eyes ever flowing like her river with hair as black as night.

"Who are you and how can you give me more power over my domain?" She asked skepticism clear in her voice I only smiled in response.

"I am Lord Perseus Primordial of the heavens, the sky, loyalty and peace. As the primordial of peace the oaths broken by immortals on your river disrupts the peace that I try to upkeep. As the immortals don't get punishment because you do not have the power to do so you often inflict pain and suffering on the mortals and demigods they hold close. I cannot let this continue so I have an offer for you, I can give you the power to remove an immortals immortality for a year when they break an oath on your river. So what do you say."

"You, you bathed in my river and received my blessing then you go and lose it. Why should I accept anything for you." She spat our with anger.

"In my defense I didn't have my memories as they were stolen from me to unite the camps so i di not have any memory of bathing in your river so forgive me for that. With your second question you would accept because one it gives you more power and second because you can finally actually punish the gods for there broken oaths." I defended myself. She seemed to have actually listened this time. After about five minutes it looked like she finally came to a decision.

"I accept your offer." She simply said. I just nodded with a small smile.

"Εγώ ο Περσέας αρχέγονος της ειρήνης, δίνω στη Lady Styx τη δύναμη να αφαιρέσει την αθανασία για ένα χρόνο όταν και μόνο όταν ο όρκος σπάσει στον ποταμό της.(I Perseus primordial of peace, give Lady Styx the power to remove immortality for a year when and only when an oath is broken on her river.)" She glowed a dark green for a few seacond before it stopped. She looked the same as she did before but her aura was increased.

"It is time for me to go enjoy your new power." With that I flashed into the Olympian throne room it is time I told them of the threat that is to come.

I was stood in the middle of the Olympian throne room standing at my mortal height of 6ft4 with my wings behind my back. All twelve Olypians were there apparently I disrupted a meeting as they all looked at me in shock.

Zeus was the first to get over his shock as he turned red in rage. "WHO DARE DISSRUPT AN OLYMPIAN MEETING." I just looked at him calmly.

"Really you don't remeber me I have only been gone for five years. Have I really change that much that you do not recognise me." They all looked at me in confusion until someone gasped, I looked over and saw it was Athena. She stared at me with recognition in her eyes. She whispered one word but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.


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