Chapter Four

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Percy POV Two years later

So it's been a few years since me and Apollo started dating and it is amazing we haven't gone anywhere past oral yet though because I wanted to wait till we were married. It is almost time till I can tell him everything as my fathers time is during near but I am not sad because this is a start of a new chapter for both of us he will be reunited with his family in the void and I will be the primordial of the sky.

Right now I'm on my way to the throne room as my father has summoned me. And I fear I know why although I am not sad I will miss him after he is gone as he is the one who put me back together. Just as I finnished that thought I arrived at the throne room and pushed the doors open to see my somber father.

"Hi dad by the look on your face it is time isn't it" he just nods with a small smile.

"I'm proud of you my son and yes it is time. Now let's begin." with that the three fates flashed in and stood to the side. I presume to announce my domains.

"Εγώ ο Ουρανός, αρχέγονος του ουρανού εδώ, παραιτήθηκα από τον τιμόνι μου και τους τομείς μου στον γιο μου Περσέα. Είθε να είναι ο νέος αρχέγονος του ουρανού για να φέρει αυτόν τον κόσμο σε ένα νέο μέλλον. (I Ouranos, primordial of the sky here by relenquish my tital and my domains to my son Perseus. May he be the new primordial of the sky to bring this world into a new future.)" After he finnished speaking a glowing blue orb left his chest and entered me. I looked back over to where he was standing only to see he was already gone and let a single tear run down my face for my father. And silently promised to make him proud and to be as great as he was. I was broken out of my thoughts when the fates started to speak.

"All Hail Lord Perseus Primordial God of the heavens, the sky, loyalty and peace. King of Caelum. May his symbol of power be Anaklumos and may his sacred animal be the pegasus for they are always welcome in the sky." And with that they all bowed to me and I grew to my godly height of thirty feet with my wingspan being sixty feet. And my new throne rose from the floor where my fathers used to be it was as is the sky was given a solid form with clouds flowing across if and I could tell it would mirror my mood.

I could see the fates about to leave and before they could I stopped them. "Lady Fates, before you go I have a proposition for you. I am making a new council and no I will not be going against olympus but rather helping them when it is needed but other than that we will lead and make decisions from the shadows so to speak. I was wondering if you three would like to join this council and become the primordials of fate with this new title you would echo gain a third of your mothers power. So all together you would have the same power as your mother."

"We would be honoured to my lord." They replied in unison. I smiled.

"Πέρσεος Αρχέγονος του ουρανού. Εδώ δίνοντας τη δύναμη του Anakne στις τρεις αδερφές της μοίρας, μπορούν να τη χρησιμοποιούν καλά. Τώρα μπορείτε να γίνετε μέλος του συμβουλίου του Caelum. (I Perseus Primordial of the sky. Here by give the power of Anakne to the three sisters of fate may they use it well. Now you may join the council of Caelum.)" Three identical thrones that looked like the tapestry of fate had risen on the left side of the room. And the sisters took there thrones with smiles on ther faces.

I went to go address the people of Caelum to tell them.of there new king. I went to the balcony and took a deep breath and started to speak.

"People of Caelum this morning Ouranos fades into the void I have taken his place as Primordial of the sky and king of Caelum. I will try to be as just and loving a ruler as my father before me and I hope to continue this era of peace we are in." Although the city is about twice the size of Olympus my voice carried across it all and every citizen heard me.

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