Chapter 18

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Steve's POV

They continued to talk for a while, clearing the air of the many misunderstandings over the last two years and apologizing for most of them. To his amusement she had refused to apologize for her pranks calling them comedy gold and that he deserved most of them. Even he had to admit had they been on more friendlier terms he'd have found them more amusing than rage inducing at the time. Checking the time he noticed that they'd been sitting there for nearly two hours getting lost in conversation. Just Steve was about to suggest that they head home Quinn blurted out. "I still like you." He clamped his mouth shut and stared wordlessly at her.

"Jesus, that wasn't subtle at all." Embarrassment caused her to flush red as she nervously chuckled. Licking her lips Quinn tried again. "What I mean is, after talking to Tony and Sam and then talking to you about this whole thing I've come to the conclusion that I still have feelings for you. I don't know yet if I want to go there with you since that didn't work out too well for me last time, I just felt like you should know." She stared down at her empty glass, turning it in small circles on the table waiting anxiously for him to say something.

Steve was speechless. She had feelings for him. His insides were doing flips with excitement while on the outside he stared at her like a dope. Not wanting to screw things up again he decided to lay everything out on the table. Sliding his hand towards her to get her to look up at him he earnestly told her, "I'm in love with you, Quinn. I know I didn't do this the right way the first time, but I want to try now if you'll let me. We'll do this however you want. Just tell me what you want from me and I'll do it." Not wanting to pressure her too much in case she didn't want that he swallowed roughly and said, "I'll wait however long I have to if it means one day I can be with you, but if you can't see yourself with me as anything other than a friend I'll take it. Just know that I'll always want you in my life whatever that looks like."

Quinn just stared at him as he poured out how he felt about her. Usually she was so easy to read. Her every emotion laid bare on her face. Not this time. This time she sat there stunned into silence like he had just minutes ago only she'd said she liked him and he's told her that he was in love with her. God, he went too fast. He was an idiot. Steve sat there holding his breath waiting for her to say something. Anything. He watched as Quinn pulled out her wallet and tossed a couple bills on the table and stood up. Steve slumped down in his seat because he'd been right, he went too far. First he had been too slow with letting her know his feelings, now he's been too quick with them. Closing his eyes he kept his hands where they rested on the table. A second later Steve felt her soft hand grasp one of his and tugged, making him look up at her.

"Let's go. You'll have to drive though." She says as she hands him her keys still not giving away how she was feeling. Wordlessly Steve follows her out of the bar and down the street towards her car. "Head to the Tower, please." That's all Quinn tells him as she slides into the passenger seat.

Great, she didn't even want to be around him. God, he just kept screwing up with her. She was probably going to stay at the Tower until she could get her stuff and then she'd leave. Buck and the others would rightly blame him because when asked he'd tell them the truth he didn't like keeping secrets. They ate at him until he felt sick about it and told them anyway. Look at what happened with Tony and Bucky and how well that had turned out. Sighing, Steve starts her car and drives to the Tower which wasn't too far from the bar.

Going around to the underground parking garage he parks Quinn's car in her spot and turns it off sitting there for a second. He'll have to get a cab to head back for the car he left by the bar, he thinks to himself. Getting out of the car Steve handed her the keys and was about to head out to the street when Quinn took his hand and pulled him with her to the elevator. Neither of them says a word. He was too scared to say or do anything to make her let go of his hand.

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