Chapter 22

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Steve's POV

"Hey, Steve, can I talk to you for a minute?" He turns around to see Wade standing off to the side looking serious for once. Nodding, Steve excuses himself and walks over to him. Glancing over to see that Quinn and Bucky were laughing and whispering together. He really wanted to not be jealous, but it was hard when he knew she'd slept with Buck and not that long ago. Nothing has happened with them since before his and Qtuinns mission. He's kept her too busy to be with anyone else. Again, that's all a part of his jealousy.

Steve's stupid logic had been if she's too busy having sex with him then she can't be having sex with anyone else. He knows that's not fair to Quinn because he knows she wouldn't cheat on him, but love and jealousy can be completely illogical. He wants to be able to take her at her word and believe that she and Wade have never slept together, but how can he? It's a dumb double standard he knows this, but the conventional roles have been reversed. Here she was the experienced one and he the doubtful virgin. It wasn't like he hadn't had the opportunity to sleep with anyone since waking up from the ice. He has. Steve almost slept with Sharon which thank god that never happened, that relationship had been a mistake of epic proportions. There just hadn't been a woman, other than Quinn, who had made Steve feel like this. Want to share this part of himself with them. She makes Steve feel excited about everything, scared that he'll lose her and optimistic about the future. She felt like home.

"What did you need, Wade?" Steve crossed his arms over his chest because he didn't know what to do with them. Too nervous for whatever Wade had to say to him because he'd been there to witness his said act of stupidity.

"I just wanted to let you know, real talk, that nothing has ever happened between me and Q. She really is like a little sister to me. The things we went through together with the Weapon X program.. it's just.. she's family. She loves you and would never do anything to hurt you intentionally. If you haven't noticed, our girl is fierce when it comes to the people she loves." He laughs at what happened with Tony. Yeah that had caught everyone off guard even himself. He'd just stood there unsure whether or not if he had the right to step in when she'd gotten so heated so quickly.

Steve sighs and uncrosses his arms. "I know she does. Logically, I know everything you're saying is true. Illogically.. I'm a stupid jealous mess. I just love her so much and it took so long for us to get here, ya know. I don't want to mess it up, but I'm doing just that." He glances over at Quinn. She looks over at him as if she could feel his eyes on her and gives him a small smile that encourages Steve to think that they'll be okay. Giving her a smile in return he turns back to Wade.

The other man patted his upper arm and in a low voice tells him, "You and Quinn need to have a chat. Lay out all of your insecurities and give her the chance to do the same. If my brief time with Vanessa taught me anything, it's don't waste the time you have by being an insecure asshole." Quinn had briefly told Steve about Wade's fiance Vanessa and what happened to her. That was one of the things he feared the most happening to her. He didn't know what he would do if she died. Didn't know if he'd survive her death. To live in a world without Quinn Harding in it was unimaginable.

"Thanks, Wade. I'll talk to Quinn." He gives Steve a smile and runs off to Thor, asking him if he could do sparkle fingers. Holding himself back from wanting to go over and put a stop to it, but the need to talk to Quinn was stronger than his need to keep Wade from getting electrocuted. Besides he can't die so Steve goes to find his girl.

Looking back to where he last saw Quinn he doesn't see her. Scanning the room shows him she isn't here.. and neither is Bucky. 'No, she isn't doing anything wrong. Stop thinking like this, Steve. They're just friends, they wouldn't do anything to hurt you.' Trying to push down the negative thoughts Steve goes to find them. Hearing their laughter coming from the kitchen, that's where he heads. He sees Quinn sitting on the counter, head thrown back in laughter while Bucky stands close next to her, a hand on her thigh as he laughs along with her. The green ugly monster of jealousy has Steve's hands tightening into fists that he tries desperately to unfurl because this was his best friend and the woman he loved.

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