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Dialogue written in italics is the characters speaking in English.

"Okay Captain, I'll see what I can do," Jungkook replied. He ended the call.
There was the sound of footsteps running down the stairs,
"Can we go roller skating now, I hope that everything was fine with your boss," Namjoon said, peering through the door.
"Don't worry Namjoon, everything went fine. I believe that the detectives are able to join us afterall," Yoongi said, smiling.

The journey to the skate park wasnt necessarily long but it was certainly boring- for Jungkook and Jimin that was. They decided that it would be safer and easier to go in two cars, one with the detectives and the other with the sort of family.
"Jungkook-ah how good are you at skating?" Jimin asked, once they had arrived.
"I did some ice skating when I was younger, shouldn't they be similar?" Jungkook replied, asking another question.
"I guess so."
Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand and they followed the couple inside.

"Why are they so good~" Jimin whined, as Hoseok and Yoongi glided past them.
"Years of practice Jiminie," Yoongi said. They was a sound of a crash and they turned round to see the three boys piled on each other,
"Seokjinnie why did you let go of my hand," Taehyung said, with a slight whine.
"I had an itch Tae, it was getting on my nerves," Seokjin replied.
"Guys, can you get off me, I can't handle your weight anymore," Namjoon said, who was at the bottom of the pile. They skated over and pulled Taehyung and Seokjin off Namjoon,
"Thankyou," he said.

A phone started ringing and Yoongi answered it.
"Yes boss?"
"Okay, give me a sec," he said. He grabbed Hoseok and pulled him out of the rink and round the corner. Jungkook told the others he needed to use the restroom and followed Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Okay, what did you want to tell us?" Yoongi asked.
"I want you to give your little detective friends your business card, have a little fun with them y'know. I also think that that the captain that you saw and spoke to before is on to you both. Lead her away from your case, even if it means killing her," their boss said.
"Sure thing. You know that we love a little bloodshed. Alright I guess we'll see you later then, what time are you coming?"
"Around 11pm, make sure that your guests do no disturb us."

The call ended and Hoseok and Yoongi started heading towards where Jungkook was standing, he made a run for the toilets.
Gosh darn it, I wish I studied harder for English. I could barely understand what they said. But I better warn the Captain about this, Jungkook thought to himself. He sent the Captain a quick message before he returned to the group.
"Where did you go Kook?" Hoseok asked, once he had returned.
"Restroom," he replied.

After skating for around two hours, they decided that it was a good time to head back home,
"Me and Jimin are gonna head back to ours. We'll see you soon then," Jungkook said.
"Alright then Kook. Do let us know how you're getting on with that case later," Yoongi said. They waved goodbye to their friends and the two detectives headed back to the car,
"When we get back, I'm checking my book again. We need to put a stop to those killers," Jungkook said. Jimin nodded in agreement.

Upon arriving home, there was a figure sitting on their roof,
"S'cuse me, but can you please get down from our roof. It's highly dangerous and sorta illegal," Jimin shouted up.
"Sure," the person replied. They jumped down from the roof and landed next to the detectives.
"Hello again, nice to see you two again," S said.
"What the hell are you doing here? And how the fuck do you know where we live?" Jungkook asked.
"Eh, I just do. Anyway my boss wanted me to give you this card. I have to get back to my love now, toodles."
He disappeared and a business card floated to the ground. Jungkook picked it up.

S and J's
Problem removal services
If you've ever experienced anything that the police force won't solve. We will.
We help those in need of saving.
Call us on

"Well at least we have a clue now. We just need to figure out who owns this number and what they do. We might even set a trap for them, they won't see it coming Chim," Jungkook said.
"I know. If we do manage to catch them, we'll be finished with the case. Man I'm so excited right now that I could kiss you," Jimin said.
"Ugh, never mind, let's call them tomorrow, I need a nap"


The next morning, they decided that it was the right time to call S and J.

"Jimin, before we call them, did you really mean it when you said that you could kiss me yesterday?" Jungkook asked. A light blush appeared on Jimin's cheeks.
"N-no," he replied, stammering over the simple word.
"Are you sure? Your face doesn't seem to agree with you." Jimin seemed to blush even harder, as Jungkook walked towards him,
"Shall we test it out?" Jungkook asked, right into Jimin's ear. A chill went down Jimin's spine, he looked at Jungkook then slowly nodded.
"O-oh okay then," Jungkook said, also stammering over his words. Jungkook placed his hand under Jimin's chin and gently pulled him closer to himself.

Then they locked lips.

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