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Detective Jeon Jungkook was known to be the best of the best. His title as a paranormal detective had only confused others, what was paranormal about the world that we live in? Jungkook had always answered that question the same,
"No-one knows what the paranormal is, but I just know that it's out there, somewhere,"

His job title may be paranormal, but his skills were just as good as any other ordinary detective. His partner in crime,
- Park Jimin was like a copy of Jungkook, but just slightly shorter. They solved case after case, but this new case has had them stuck for months.

It was currently midday and the two detectives were currently arguring about their current case.
"Ugh! There's no use, we'll never figure this out!" Jimin whined.
"Jimin! Stop worrying, we will solve this, it's just the fact that we are lacking clues," Jungkook sighed.
"Clues? Clues! The only clue we fucking have is the way the victims are found! Two small holes on each side of the neck. Their body is also cold to the touch. What could it be Mr Paranormal detective."
"Look I don't know either. I've checked my book many times, but nothing is in there. We need to take a break, let's go to Seesaw to take our minds off things."
"I'm only agreeing because I want to see Yoongi."
"Of course you do."

After a short drive of 20 minutes, they both arrived at the small restaurant 'Seesaw', there was no usual line so the two detectives walked straight in.
"Hello? Are you there?" Jungkook asked.
"We are about to open, please wait outside for us to be ready," a voice said.
"Wow, you're not prepared today."
"Yes, we need to cook the noodles since we ran out yesterday and we only arrived here not long ago."

They waited around 10 minutes, before a small brunette appeared,
"Sorry for the wait detectives, what can I get you?" he asked.
"Yoongi can we have two beers and two portions of your best ramen bowls," Jungkook said. Yoongi noted that down and hurried off.
He soon returned with two bowls and bottles.
"Thanks Yoonie," Jimin said, smiling.
"Don't call me that," Yoongi said, walking off to serve another customer.
"Jimin, he's told you to stop calling him that," Jungkook said.

They ate their noodles in silence and downed their beer straight after,
"I needed that you know, now let's pay and head back to the station to continue with our work," Jungkook said.
"Aww, already I want to see Yoongi more~" Jimin whined.
"We can see if they want to head to a bar later okay."
Jimin smiled at the thought and hurried off to the car. Jungkook shook his head and followed suit.


The time was currently 10pm, Jungkook and Jimin were waiting outside 'Seesaw' for the owners.
"Are they coming?" Jimin asked.
"Yes, they should be, I called Yoongi before we left and he said that they'll be here," Jungkook replied.
"Who you waiting for?" someone asked.
"Just the owners of the restaurant."
"Wow Jungkook, you didnt recognise Hoseokie's voice," Yoongi said, giggling.
Jungkook looked out the opened window to see Hoseok and Yoongi waiting for him.
"Oh, sorry may I ask why you're bringing your own wine?"
"I dunno, the beverages there aren't to our liking," Hoseok replied, getting into the car.
"Just don't spill any if you're gonna drink it now."

They arrived at the most popular club in Seoul, it was over filling with people and some were even heading towards the motel opposite.
"Ugh, I forgot how gross drunk people are," Yoongi said, holding his nose.
"Come on Yoongi, you haven't even been inside yet, lighten up for once," Jimin said.

They exited Jungkook's car and headed towards the entrance,
"S'cuse me but outside beverages are not allowed," the security guard said.
"Oh, well I don't care. Come Hoseok let's go," Yoongi said. He grabbed Hoseok's arm and pulled him inside.
"Do you want us to throw you four out?"
"No, sorry for my friends actions sir, he's always like this," Jungkook sighed.
"Just this once 'kay, go on in."
Jimin squealed and he dragged Jungkook by the arm- into the busy nightclub.

Upon entering the strong smell of alcohol hit them, making them feel giddy. They went to the bar and ordered two cocktails before heading towards Yoongi and Hoseok.
"Go get us two glasses so we can drink this," Hoseok said, shaking the bottle of wine.
"I'll get it!" Jimin said, running off.

He soon returned with two glasses and handed them to Yoongi. He took them and Hoseok filled them up.
"That looks very thick, are you sure that's wine?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes, we just like it this way," Yoongi replied. He picked up the glass and drank it all in one go.
"Yoongi-ah you should slow down, you don't want to get drunk," Jimin said.
"You should be more worried about yourself, you need to drive home."
"I'm sure that we'll be fine."

They were not fine. In fact they were drunk, only Hoseok and Yoongi managed to stay sober,
"Ugh now we have to babysit the two drunkies," Yoongi whined. Jimin was currently clinging to Yoongi's arm.
"I know but it's not safe to leave them at their houses alone," Hoseok said.
They picked Jungkook and Jimin and carried them back to the car.

By the time they reached their house, Jungkook and Jimin were fast asleep in the back,
"Thankgod they fell asleep, I hated when Jimin clung to me," Yoongi whined.
"Let's take them inside and we can head out," Hoseok said.
"Good, let's lock them in the room, so they don't escape."
"Sure, we don't want them finding out our secret anyway."
Once Jimin and Jungkook were safely locked up in the spare room, the two men had disappeared into thin air.

They soon returned to the house at around 3am and they entered their room and fell asleep- all without making a singular sound.

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