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"Fuck no," Jungkook said.
"No? So you would rather die then us taking a little of your blood?" S asked.
"I don't want either. Just leave us the fuck alone."
"Oh. You must be angry at us for killing your friend. Now you know how we felt when we saw our friend die in front of us. He was a living beauty, everyone wanted to be with him. Too bad that he was asexual. He always tagged along with me and J for safety."
"I wonder why he tagged along with you two for safety," Jimin huffed.
"Well for your information, we didn't start our lil business until he was killed. We realised that many people, like him, were being assaulted by older men and women. Dont say anything about the police, they dont do shit when it comes to fucking assaults, they always wait to the last fucking minute to do anything. We have to get going now, our boss is waiting."
"We'll have a drink next time we meet. Okay. We're just gonna take a couple of them home for our boss to enjoy mkay." J said.
"What do you mean by that?"
"He gets hungry sometimes."

Vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around two officers, which Jungkook and Jimin didn't recognise and all four of them disappeared. The vines that had wrapped around the detectives came loose. Footsteps quickly hit the ground, as they both ran towards Captain Lee. A pool of blood had now formed around her, and her skin was paler than snow. Tears fell from both the detectives eyes, each one falling onto the lifeless body.
"I know that we shouldn't be crying, I know that we couldn't do anything to stop it. But I'm just so mad at the killers. They could've at least let you explain. You've served the police force well Captain," Jungkook said weakly, occasionally choking on his words. They both saluted her, and gave a minute silence.

After informing the police of what had happened, the two detectives left and started heading back to their home. The radio wasn't played this time, instead it was full of silence and grief.
"Can we go to Yoonies house instead Kook, I just don't want to work on the case at the moment," Jimin asked, breaking the silence. Jungkook just nodded, and their destination was changed.


Upon arriving at their friends house, something wasn't right. The blinds and windows were closed, and the house seemed to be more empty.
"What do you think happened here? Do you think they know what happened with the Captain?" Jimin asked.
"I doubt it. What we told the Head Officer was private, and only her family should be informed on the situation," Jungkook replied.

Jungkook knocked on the door, and after a few minutes the door opened.
"Jimin? Jungkook? What happened?" A concerned Hoseok asked.
"Someone that we were close to was killed and we couldn't do anything to stop it," Jimin said, tearing up once more.
"Oh. I know the feeling, one of our close friends was assaulted and killed. If he was still alive today, he would've loved you two alot. Do you want to come in? Our boss is round but I'm sure he wouldn't mind two more people."

Hoseok led Jungkook and Jimin through to the kitchen, were Yoongi and a man dressed in a black suit were waiting.
"Boss, these are the detectives I told you about. They're upset with what had happened earlier. Shall we give them the meal we prepared for you, or just some tea?"  Hoseok asked.
"Do what you want." The man replied.
"Oh, this is our boss. Seyton, please introduce yourself to Jimin and Jungkook.
"Hello detectives, my name is Seyton and your two friends are such a joy to work with," Seyton said.
"What do you erm do at your company?" Jungkook asked.
"We make detective gear, we'll we are starting to make one's especially for you two. Here try this out, I brought in case you came around."
"That's alright sir, we might take a break from the case for a couple of weeks, just so we can mourn the loss of our friend.
"Oh dear, we'll I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I presume that you two were pretty close to them. Come visit Hoseok and Yoongi during that time, they'll always be there for you too won't you?"
"Of course. We too lost one of our friends like we told you earlier, its a shame that he couldn't be helped sooner," Hoseok said, with a grief-stricken smile.
"May I ask what happened to him?" Jungkook asked.
"Oh, well its quite the serious topic. I mean he was assaulted one evening on his way home. He knew that he was being followed and asked us for help. Unfortunately we got there too late, he was already gone."
"He should've called the police, they would've arrived much quicker."
"We don't really trust the police force, don't do nothing."

Jungkook frowned at the statement, it sounded odd. Why would his close friends and the killers both hate the police force. Could it be? Were they the killers? No, they wouldn't? They're too nice. Jungkook shook the thought away.
"Well, we really must get going now. C'mon Jimin. We just need to go back home and relax. Just take it easy for now," he said, pulling Jimin along by his arm.
"Huh? What?" Jimin asked, confused about his friends actions.
"Oh, well we wish you a save journey home, and come visit us whenever you want, we'll always be here for you," Yoongi said, smiling.
"Yeah, okay. Bye," Jungkook said. He dragged Jimin through the door, and out into the car.
"What the hell Jungkook! Why did you leave so urgently for?" Jimin asked.
"I was just thinking before, both the killers and Yoongi and Hoseok hate the police force," Jungkook started.
"Hate is a strong word."
"Yeah, but if you think about it more. What if our friends were the killers."


This chapter took my ages to write, not because i had exams, but due to motivation. I really enjoy writing different types of genre, but its painful to see this book get left behind, whilst my other one gets attention. It took a lot in me to not discontinue this work, to not just give up on it. I will try my hardest to try and update more frequently, now that my hiatus is finally over.

I hope you enjoyed this update, and the rest when they come.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and this book.
Take care everyone and keep safe

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