
18 1 0

T.w mentions of assault
Character Death

Sparks erupted from the first moments their lips touched, Jungkook pushed Jimin against the wall to make it easier for him to take control of it. They wrapped their arms round each other, Jungkook slightly dipping Jimin towards the ground, before Jimin allowed him full access into his mouth.

Quiet moans escaped Jimin's plump and swollen lips, as Jungkook aggressively attacked his neck, leaving small bruises.
"Jungkookie~ that's enough," Jimin whined.
"Ah so you enjoyed it huh baby boy," Jungkook said, smirking.
"Don't call me that Kook, I'm older than you and it feels weird."

They both waited as they stared at the phone, waiting for the receiver to pick up,
"Hello detectives, we were wondering when you would call," the person answered.
"I only got your card yesterday," Jungkook replied. A sound of a giggle was heard on the other end,
"Oopsie, I guess I forgot about that. Anyway, what is your reason for calling?"
Oh shit, we should've planned this out before hand, Jungkook thought. He opened his mouth to say something but Jimin cut him off.
"We wanted your help, we want you to get rid of someone for us. We will message you the details later, as we need to discuss if it's the right person that we both want to do. Is that okay with you both," Jimin said.
"Sure! As long as we kill someone in the end, its totally okay. Message us at anytime and you can even tell us what they have done, because every silent voice needs to be heard, okay bye bye,' S replied, sounding slightly cheery. The call ended and they both released a breath of relief.
"He sounded so crazy, I can't believe that they fell for a simple trap like that," Jimin said.
"I think they know that it's a trap, but anyway what is your plan?" Jungkook asked.


The two males were standing in an abandoned carpark, waiting to the two killers to arrive,
"So, are they coming?" Jimin asked.
"I don't know, maybe they knew that it's a trap?" Jungkook replied.
They waited for another half hour before S and J showed up.
"Sorry we're late, I had to clean my bat. Don't want to contaminate the suspect. Now where is this fellow you told us about?" J asked.
"Right this way," Jimin replied.

They're actually falling for the trap, let's hope everything goes with the plan, Jungkook thought, as they lead the two killers towards the trap.

"Oh, what's this? Did you try to fool us? Did you genuinely believe that we would fall into the police force again that easily. We were caught before cause we were naive. At least we have two witnesses this time," S said.
"How did you know that the police force is here?" Jungkook asked.
"We knew from the moment we arrived. Studying forensics and criminology back in university all those years ago, really helped us with our killing y'know."

"Killers, put the weapon down and put your hands were I can see them," the Captain of the police force asked.
"Captain Lee, what are you doing?" Jungkook asked.
"They already knew that we are here, theres no point in hiding. Men come out of your positions and aim at the killers."
"Did you even learn from the first time that we met. We cannot be killed, but you know who can be killed?" J asked. Jungkook and Jimin suddenly felt cold, there was a sudden breeze which sent shivers down their spine, they didn't want to know the answer to the question as it was obvious.

"You. All of you are able to be killed. We will only spare the detectives since we know that they wont do anything to harm us again. Right?" S asked. The two killers looked at the detectives, who nodded out of fear.
"That's great! Now you two can watch the show. I know that you'll enjoy it."

Black vines shot out of the ground and bound Jungkook and Jimin together. Jungkook groaned, as his back was thrown against Jimin's. They could only watch in horror as the two killer started what they knew best.

More black vines shot out of the ground, knocking every weapon out of every officer's grasp, then a single black vine through the heart finished their life off.
"I'm getting a little thirsty, which one will be the best to drink from?" J asked.
"I would like to try detective blood, at least they wont die as we only want a little taste, just a little right babe," S replied.
"Oh yes, totally."

They started walking towards the bound detectives, J dragging his dirtied bat along the floor behind them.
"Stop! What the hell do you want from us!" The Captain shouted. She was clutching the wound in her shoulder, from a misfired bullet.
"What do we want? You should've done it years ago! You were never there for our friend. We told your force that he was assaulted but they never did a thing. Saying that men are never assaulted, that he lied. Yet he was still killed! We do, what we do to help those voices who aren't heard by you, who are suffering in silence. That's is why we do it," the killers shouted in unison. There was an eerie silence, as the Captain and detectives were lost for words
"We can start now, we can help those in need, starting soon. We just need to have you two arrested, so our people can live in piece," Captain Lee said, sounding sincere.
"So the only way you can start listening to your people, is by arresting the only two who actually help them. I'm not believing your words Captain," J said. He pointed his arm towards the Captain and a black vine shot towards her.
"Don't kill her, please don't. Your words won't be taken to the Head Officer if she dies," Jungkook shouted.
"So, it's not like their actually gonna do it. That's why we hate the police. They only care about certain people and never listen to those who are in constant danger," S replied. The vine grew in size, as did the killers' anger. Jungkook started wriggling to try to free himself. Jimin sighed,
"There's no point, we cannot save her. All we can do is watch, but I promise you that we will arrest them," Jimin whispered to Jungkook.

A scream ripped through the air causing Jungkook and Jimin to turn towards the sound. The colour drained from their faces as they saw the Captain with the vine sticking through her chest. Blood started trickling down her chest and mouth. A small grin was on her face,
"I deserved that," she said, as her final words. The vine was retracted and she fell onto the floor, lifeless.
"Noooo!" Both the detectives screamed, tears running down their cheeks. The Captain had been the one who has introduced them to each other. She was the reason why unsolveable cases were solved.

The two killers started laughing, as they headed towards Jungkook and Jimin. J had discarded his bat, as he no longer needed it. They stopped in front of the detectives,
"Now, how about you both co-operate with us. We don't want anymore bloodshed now do we?" J asked, smirking.


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