Beginner (Chris Brown)

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Kory POV

I go to Redwood High School in Miami Florida and I'm fairly popular I have a good group of friends lately the schools bad boy Christopher Brown has been looking at me all weird and being that I have all my classes with him it's kind of uncomfortable

Right now I'm late got 3rd period English so the hallways are empty until I close my locker and turn around and there's Chris

What the hell Chris you scared me

Sorry baby girl I ain't mean all dat he said laughing a little bit

So me and my friends are throwing a party tonite and I was wondering if you'd like to come

Um sure I don't see why not I said getting my bag and books in order

Good he said leaning towards me kissing my check and slightly squeezing my ass and walking away.

@The party

So get there and it looks like the entire school is there and I see Chris in the corner talking with all his friends so I decided i would go say hi to him.

Hey Chris

Hey damn girl you sexy as fuck he said placing his hand on my ass

Thank you I said trying to slowly remove his arm until he quickly regained his grip spanking me a little

I moaned a little bit be looked down at me I didn't think he heard it cause of the music but I guess I was wrong next thing I know They Don't Know by Rico Love comes on and he starts dragging me to the dance floor when we get there I puts his hands on my waist and starts grinding on me after I get the hand of it I feel more comfortable after the song was over he whispered in my ear "let's go" he took my hand and led outside to his car and we left to go to his house since he lives alone.

Chris POV

I drove Kory back to my place when we were dancing I just couldn't help grinding on her I wanted to fuck her right on that floor so we had to get out of there when we got back to my house I opened her door for her and led her inside I couldn't control myself when we got so I grabbed her and got her against the wall and started kissing her I can tell she was feeling some type of way about me to cuz she quickly responded to the kiss I picked her small frame up and carried her upstairs into my room where I put her on my bed and slid off my shirt she turned around so I could unzip her dress when the dress fully unzipped it fell to the floor leaving her in her red lace VS underwear clearly turning me on she unbuckled my jeans I slowly pushed her down on the bed giving me access to her beautiful body I started kissing and sucking her neck all the way down to her breasts leaving hickies everywhere making her moan non stop I kissed down her stomach until I reached her panties about to slide them she stopped my hand "Chris im um " I know I'll go slow I said removing her hands taking off her panties looking at her gorgeous pink pussy I didn't waste anytime shoving my tongue in her as far as it could go making grab my shoulders

Awwww Chris yess! She screamed out

As I spelled my name in her I could feel her legs shake so I knew she was about to cum so to set her off I bit on her pearl have moan and cum all over my face I cleaned her up and kissed her making her taste herself

You taste so good baby i said through the kiss this is about to be amazing she pushed me in the bed having her be on top of me and started taking down my pants and boxers reviewing my hard me ever I know she's never done this before so I'll just guid her through it and put the tip in her mouth making me groan feeling her hot tongue slide around my tip a minter late she started sucking my tip really hard making me groan really loud

Kory POV

I didn't really know what I was doing all I knew was that he liked it he put his hand on the back of my head and slightly pushed it down putting more of his dick in my mouth kept doing that speeding up and slowing down driving him crazy I started to jerk him when he told me to stop

Ok oo wait he said

I got off him as he grabbed my waist and positioned himself below me

This is gonna hurt just scratch my chest of it does ok

I nodded and he's lowly started to go inside me making me whimper in pain

Shhhh he said leaning up kissing my breasts when he was fully inside me he started moving my hips bank and forth after a minute or two this started to feel amazing I started moaning and screaming and scratching up his tattooed chest making him groan

Uh uh uh faster !! I moaned out

He started thrusting upwards into me making me insane

Ugh! Like that baby he moaned

Yessss daddy Aww I said cumming on his dick

I got off of him making him look at me confused I wanted to finish my job😏😏

So I went back down to sucking his dick I put all of him in and played with his balls making him groan loudly he started twitching in my mouth so I knew he was probably going to cum any minute I kept sucking and jerking him until he came in my mouth

Now let's see out nasty you are you can either swallow it or spit it out he smirked at me waiting to see what I would do I knew I could get him hard again so I spit it out letting it trail down my breasts into my bra down my stomach I looked at him licking my finger I took his hand in mine and led him to the shower

I'm not done with you yet.

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