Stephen Curry (Silent Freak)

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So me Klay Andrew and Draymond at the arena shoot around before practice start and coach said he had a surprise for use idt as my perfectly formed 3 goes in coach Kerr steps onto the court followed by this beautiful girl with long black hair and short denim shorts and a a plan shirt with a white tank top under it she was gorgeous I've never really felt this way about a girl and the guys are always teasing me about how I never go to the strip club with them after we win a game it's just not my thing I guess

Coach Kerr finally tells us what's goin on

"Boys this is Kyler Howard she is our new team training"

"Um what happened to what's his Brandon" Klay asked

"Well he wasn't soon his job correctly so I fired him now since this is off season Kyler will be working the four of you for these four months go look at the board to see who will be working with her first.........Kyler.....good luck" he says then walks away

We all walk over to the benches where the board is and see tht this first month I'm gonna be with her I just stare at the board but the guys just start making these noises and look back at her smirkin and laughin

"So whose first" she asks

They all quickly point at me

"Ok then I will see u at your house after practice" and she walks right out of the gym

"Oooh Stephen looks like you bout to have a little girlfriend " Andrew says smirking all of them have girlfriends except me so naturally there going to pick on me

"Shut up let's start practice everyone's here now"I say taking the ball from his hands and start to run plays with the team

@@@@3 HOURS later@@@@

I get home I pull into my drive way in my sleek black jaguar to a dark blue charger in my driveway Kyler leaning up against it I get out and she smiles at me I give a shy smile back she follows me up to the door of my fairly big house and we go inside "well the court is through that door and the gym is through that one" I say pointing at two doors

"Cool, You have a really nice house" she says starting to walk around my living room while I intently stare at her ass as she's talking

"So before we go in the court since you JUST left practice we'll in the gym come on" she says leading the way to my gym

"We'll start with curl ups get down" she says pointing to the black mat on the floor I get down and start doing 50 curl ups then she stops me

"Ok no no your doing them wrong your not gonna get a result nor feel anything when you do'em this way" she said

"Well how would you like me to do them" I said sitting up and looking at her

"Well your moving your legs to much which is making your hip move so we would have to put a little weight on you" she said

I looked at her "um I have no 5 or 10 pounds in her so what weight"

She looked around and noticed that I was right she sighed and shrugged

"You could always sit right here" I said pinging at the general area she was talking about she giggled

"Is that really the only solution you could think of " she looked down at me smiling

"Probably not but it's the only one I actually want" at least I was being honest I gave her a smirk

"Ok then since there is NO other option"

She lowers down and straddles me directly on my member making me throw my head back a little she giggles obviously noticing the effect she has on me at the moment

"Ok come on curl ups now" she demanded this situation was seriously turning me on I continued with my exercise when I felt my member begin to rise and I think Ky noticed as well

"Um Stephen are you having a problem" she said putting her hands on my chat stopping me from going up again

"Umm boo but if I am I'm pretty sure it's your fault" I said laughing a little bit

"Ok were done with this" she said trying to get off of me but I quickly place my hands on her legs keeping her on top of me as I sit up coming face to face with with her light skinned complexion

"Why......are you scared of me?" I ask getting in her face my eyes quickly going to her lips

"Not even close" she said looking in my eyes

"Good" I say before I crush my lips to hers earning a moan from her as she wraps her arms around my neck as I shove my hand up her shirt feelin on her perfect body I glide my tongue against her lip asking for entrance which she gives me letting me explore her mouth she starts to lightly suck on my tongue making me growl in response

"Stephen wait" she says pulling away as I start to leave a trail of kisses down her neck making her grip my shoulders

"Wait wait stop" she says scratching the back of my neck as I suck on her neck I stop and stare at her she gets up and starts to walk towards the door I quickly get up to stop her

"Kyler wait" I say grabbing her wrist bringing her to me she looks away from me I bring my finger under her chin turning her head towards me

I slowly start to lean into her

"Just say no if you want me to stop" I whisper against her lips and I press my against hers letting her put her hand down the collar of my shirt after a few minutes we pull away desperate for air

"I want you" I say looking dead in her eyes she leans up and bites my lip I take that as a yes I take her hand and lead her upstairs to my bedroom closing the door turning her towards me crashing my lips to hers once again

I can feel her hands slowly go up my shirt signaling for me to take it off I quickly take off my hurt also removing hers leaving her in her black and midnight blue lace bra she was definitely turning me on she started to palm my boner that was completely noticeable through my basketball shorts making me groan

I led her to my bed pushing her down on my mattress continuing my assault on her neck leaving hickeys everywhere I trailed kisses down her body to her stomach piercing flicking it with my tongue feeling her grip my hair a little bit I continued down her body until I got to the rim of her shorts unbuttoning them and taking them off seeing her in her lace panties sending me completely off the edge

I slid them off and quickly without warning shoved my tongue deep inside tasting her

"Oooooh Stephen!!!!" She yelled as I bit her clit lightly

After a few minutes of this I could feel that she was close so I stop and she slid my boxers down I lined up with her entrance and thrusted in her making both of us lose our minds as I kept my pace going in and out of her 30 minutes later we both came and we collapsed on the bed breathing hard

"You do realize your mine now correct?" I asked her finally getting my breathing under control

"I figured" she said looking up at me as I smiled at her and quickly went under the covers making her giggle

Round two😏😉

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