Dave Franco (Unbearable pain)

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You and your husband Dave Franco have been married for 3 years and you couldn't be happier.  

                  .........Or so you thought. 

Every time he would have to leave for a movie the night before you guys would cuddle with each other either on the couch or in your room laying together just talking you telling him what you love about him and him constantly stating his love for you.

                          ..........And you were fooled.

Today Dave had to go to the set of his movie NYSM all the cast members decided to stay in a hotel closer to the set.

Dave had just finished packing his back.

"Alright baby it's bout time for me to head out he said putting his bag into the trunk it looked like would rain any minute

"Okay I'll miss you" you said wrapping your arms around your husbands neck not truly ready for him to leave you

"I'll be back in about a week were almost done I promise" he said taking a piece of your hair behind your ear

"Alright" you say giving him a big hug you both started to feel raindrops so you decided it was time for him to get going you gave him a loving kiss and he was on his way you went back inside before it started to down poor until you looked at the in-table and saw he had left his cell phone you mentally face palmed your self about how forgetful your husband was you let out a little laugh has you run through the rain to your car on your way to Dave's hotel

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;20 Minutes Later;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

You finally get to the hotel seeing has your almost soaking wet from the rain your hair is completely done for but you walk in anyway going straight to the front desk

"Hi I'm looking for Dave Franco's room I'm his wife Tori" you say politely

The front desk guy (who was clearly gay) gave you a saddened look in his eyes you could see pity and remorse

"Your absolutely stunning" he said giving you a warm smile but the pity he clearly felt for you was still present and you had no idea why

"Thank you" you say giving him a brightening smile back

"He's in room 2389" he said giving you the key

"Thank you, you have a nice day.......Austin" you said reading his name tag and waving goodbye he simply waved back

As you made your way upstairs you had a little trouble finding his room since this hotel was massive but you finally found it you opened the door to find that the room looked like an apartment it was amazing

"Dave........Dave,baby I have your phone" you innocently wondering if was here or not you set the phone down on a coffee table and was about to leave determining that he wasn't here until you heard a noise.

You had no idea what the noise was so you followed it around the hotel room till you got to the bedroom fourths noises became clear to you and you had tears in your eyes you slowly open the doors to find your husband on top of  a girl with blonde hair. 

At this point in time you just felt like breaking down you couldn't hear anything you were numb to your surroundings

"Oh god baby please let me explain" Dave said trying to touch your arm you swiftly pulled away never wanting him to touch you again.

You hadn't realized how he got dressed so fast but you didn't care you dropped the room key and made way for the door wanting to be as far away from him as possible

"Tori please please let me explain its not what it looks like" he said running after you some how making into the elevator with you, you were trying your hardest not to cry but the tears just wouldn't stop you didn't know what to do with yourself.

The man you vowed to love was sleeping with someone else giving himself to someone else you just didn't know how to cope with that all this time your thinking in your head he's been trying to get your attention.

"Tori please I am begging you to listen to me" he said tears rimming his eyes

"I don't care whatever your going to say to me I don't even care all your gonna say is how you didn't mean to and it was a mistake well mistake or not you deal with it cause I'm done"!you said walking out of the elevator swiftly trying your best to get to the door him hot on your heels

He finally catches you grabbing wrist swinging you around making you look at him

"Baby please I love you okay I do Tori I love you so much yes I made a mistake a huge one that I will always regret but I am begging you o let me fix this" he said taking your face in his hands "please don't leave me" he said looking into your eyes tears falling from his face as well.

You didn't know what to think about this whole situation but all in all you knew that you needed time.

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