Paul Walker (Leave)

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So me and Mya have been having arguments almost everyday and I'm really getting sick of it like right now she's yelling at me about some random girl from my premiere of brick mansions the other night I don't know her she's just a fan she ran up to me and kissed me and it's not like I didn't push her off me immediately but for some unknown reason Mya is insecure about cause she thinks I'm just gonna up and leave her let it be known that I am her HUSBAND!!!!!! And she's freaking gorgeous she's a godamn Victoria secret model for crying out loud I'd be a fucking idiot to leave her but here we are again talking about something that will never happen

"Paul are you even listening to me" she says kicking me out of my day dream

I'm sorry but she's incredibly sexy when she's mad I can't help it

"Yes Mya I'm listening ok I'm listening to something that I really don't care about right ok this whole conversation is pointless "

She looks at me with anger and a little bit of sadness I don't care cause I should get at least a little bit of trust from her

"Fine here's what u can do take everything that's yours and get out" she said pointing towards our bedroom door

I looked at her completely shocked she is so freaking spoiled but I guess THTS my fault I give her anything her little heart desires so I can't complain but I've completely had it so I did exactly what she told me I was taking what was mine and leaving

So I picked her little ass up through her over my shoulder and started walking down stairs

"Paul put me down right now I mean it out me down " she screamed beating on my back

I went into the living room and threw her down on the couch

"Hey!! Stop it stop!!! I have had it with you alright I am tired of you accusing me of everything under the fucking sun ok I would never hurt you ok never and you know that so I don't know why you insist on yelling and screaming at me about things that I don't do so here's what's going to happen you are going to stop arguing with me about stupid shit or I swear I put you over my lap do you understand?"

She looked at me biting her lip this is exactly what I mean she's so spoiled she doesn't even get the fact that I am highly pissed off right now she leans off the couch grabbing my collar of my shirt pulling me to her as she wraps her leg around my waist

"Yes daddy" she whispered in my ear slowly licking my neck

I closed my eyes she's is about to get it.

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