Chadwick Boseman ( Look Me In The Eyes)

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A couple months ago my husband Chadwick got the role for Black panther and I was super excited for him I know how much he wanted the role and how hard he's worked and I couldn't be more excited for him, and then I met Lupita.

Don't get me wrong she is a lovely person she's sweet and kind and just absolutly amazing everyone loves her, me? I'm a fashion designer, very succesfull but most people see me and mean and egotistical. The Egotistical part is far from the truth i'm humble about my work and I give credit when credit is due but maybe i am a bit mean to be someone in this industry you have to i am. Most people can't even see how me and Chadwick are even together, we've been married for two and a half years and no one understand how he can be so sweet and kind and fun-loving when i'm quote on quote mean, vindictive, and ruthless, whihc is most of the time not even the case, so yes when i met Lupita i was very insecure since they play love interests and they get along so well with their acting chemistry and blah blah blah whatever.

I went with Chadwick to the cast meeting 'cause he was a bit nervous and didn't want to go alone, so i acompanied my husband to meet everyone and that's when it happened her bubbly personality and kind eyes they instantly starrted chatting away making me feel like i was instruding on something, I tried not to let Chadwick notice so I just pretended not to feel anything. Another person of the cast came up behind me introducing themselves a friend of Chad's Michael B. Jordan.

Hey I'm Mike nice to finally meet you he said shaking my hand lightly

Yes he's told me a lot about you nice to meet you as well I said politely

We started talking on and on about all kinds of stuff, from movies to fashion to sports ot everything else I could feel eyes watching us so i turned slightly to see who it was and it was none other than my husband with an unimpressed look on his beautiful face, i just smirked and continued my conversation with Michael he's actually really funny and nice to talk to. As the whole cast meet thing was coming to an end me and Chadwick were about to leave as Lupita came hugging both of us good bye i was uncomfortble it's hard to not like someone when there are that nice and kind. We made to the car and rode home in a comfortable but particularly odd silence, we got back to our house and he got out the car not saying a word.

Okay what is your problem you drove the whole way saying nothing and now were home and your gonna contiue to ignore me? I asked propping myself on the counter in our amazing kitchen,

Oh i'm sorry didn't think you'd want to talk to me after your interestingly funny conversation with Michael he said looking at his phone

What is that supposed to be mean i asked with attitude cause if i do remember correctly your conversation with Lupita wasn't exactly short and sweet i said

Were gonna be working together in 3 months i have to talk to her what was so interesting about Mike that you had to talk to him the whole time huh?

I just looked at him with a shit eating grin on my face

What? he said frustrated, What? why are you looking at me like that?

You were jealous i said walking away uostairs to our bedroom.

After about 30 seconds i hear him stomping upstairs

First of all i was not jealous of you and Mike if anyone was jealous it was you he said smirking at me knowing full well i was in fact jealous of how nice Lupita is

Shut up nobody was jealous of you and your little girlfriend okay i said walking into our master bathroom taking off the little makeup i did have on

Oh really he said coming in wrapping his muscular arms around my waist kissing from my shoulder to my spot on my neck, I don't believe you he said smugly

I don't have to be jealous..I'm great i say jokingly he chuckles are he says breathily as i bend over to find the makeup wipes pushing my butt into his awaiting erection.

Babe....stop i'm still mad at you he said smiling gripping my hips.

If anyone should be mad it should be me actually i said pressing further into him.

He grunts putting a death grip on my hips i swiftly turn around facing him kissing up his neck biting the spot on his neck making his knees buckle a little bit.

Okay.....okay i'm sorry i am i'm sorry he said whispering in my ear kissing my neck.

Hmmm....okay I say moaning from his touch.

Say it he whispers his hand drifting towards the buttons of my shorts, I shivered as I felt him slip his hand into my underwear rubbing me slowly.

Chad I whimper my breathing off as I make eye contact with him through the mirror, Come on lemme tell you something he said removing his hand guiding me to our room........

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