A New Relationship. (Part 1/3)

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A few warnings in the chapter. First, and probably most important warning, is that there is a lot of diaper usage in this chapter. A few other things: Small kissing, Dirty/Dark Jokes, and other things. If you are worried about these things, a small, summarizing comment will be left on this chapter, so just head to the comments to get a general idea of what this chapter had if you do not wish to read this chapter. With that out of the way, let's get into it!

"I bet it must be. Not that I'm judging, just agreeing." Jackson said, slightly worried he'd offend Grace.

"I know you were just agreeing. Why do you seem so scared about what your going to say all the time?" Grace said, casually, while she stared at the padding beneath her. 

"I guess I just don't want to scare you off. Your the only one who's seemed interested in talking to me for a long time. I'm not very popular, I guess." Jackson replied, taken aback by her question.

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, you won't scare ME off, if anything I thought it would be the opposite. In my family, I was the oddball. Nobody liked to talk to me, and often called me a mistake. So, that's why I moved out. I have to take, well, this subway from my apartment and back every day. Then, I saw you riding the subway one day. I was going to say hi, but got nervous and backed out. But, once this whole thing happened, I figured there would be no reason to evade talking to you anymore, so I decided to introduce myself, and I'm glad I did." Grace responded, with a slight blush.

"I'm sorry people treated you that way, and I'm happy I met you, too." Jackson responded in a friendly tone.

"Friends?" Grace asked.


Just then, the subway played a message. It was a pre-recorded robot voice saying:


"They alert you when a new one is added? I find it funny it says all passenger's when there's only two of us." Jackson chuckled. 

"I bet you the cart is filled with more of these things." Grace said, pointing down to the diaper she was wearing.

"Still wearing it?" Jackson joked.

"Well, I guess. I didn't know how I should change back into my normal clothes. I can't clean myself up, with no cleaning supplies, so I would just end up making both things dirty." Grace explained.

"That's a fair point. No pants, though?" Jackson replied, again, not judging, just interested.

"It would make it more difficult then it already is to walk in these things." Grace answered.

"I get that. Plus, all jokes aside, you look really cute." Jackson said, confidently, as he walked ahead of her to check out the newest cart.

Grace just sat there like a deer in headlights, dark red in the face. She saw Jackson was close to the new cart and caught up. 

"Hm. Well, we were sort of right." Jackson said, looking through the window.

"Howso?" Grace asked.

"Well, there are diapers, but they are all themed, no white ones. There are also a variety of what looks like pacifiers and bottles." Jackson said.

"What's with this place? Like, I'm not mad, but why out of anything they could of had in this train, they had this stuff. I swear, somebody set this up." Grace said, confused.

"Maybe, maybe not. All I know is, I'm gonna enjoy this huge break from reality. We can just relax." Jackson said, seemingly not worried.

Grace somehow felt better. Seeing the calm expression on Jackson's face let her know she was safe.

"You're right. Let's relax." Grace said. 

They sat down in the new cart, and talked for a bit. Grace kept looking down at her diaper. She was curious as to how much it held. She began poking it, and gave it a rub. 

"These things are weird." She said aloud. 

"I guess they would be. It is uncomfortable? Just curious, before I'm in the same predicament." Jackson asked, curious about the portable toilet.

"No, not uncomfortable, just unusual." Grace answered.

"How much do those things hold, anyway?" Jackson asked another question.

"I was just confused on the same thing. It's not like we have to conserve them, though. Look at how many are here." Grace said.

"Well, yeah, but the longer they're kept on, the longer we have until an inevitably awkward situation where we both have to change." Jackson added.

"I supposed you're right. I don't know the capacity, but I guess we'll find out." Grace said while discretely wetting her diaper again, which Jackson didn't notice. This time only some of it was absorbed immediately. The rest of it was taking longer and spread to every open part of her diaper. Grace was not going to admit it, but it felt really good.

"I'm still going to wear shorts over it, though." Jackson said, interrupting Grace's train of thought.

"Why is that?" Grace asked.

"I mean, I don't want to be walking around in a diaper, of all things, in front of my new friend." Jackson admitted.

"Why not? I'm doing it. I won't judge, either." Grace noted.

"Well, we'll see very soon, because I kind of have to go." Jackson fibbed. In reality, he had to go for the past half hour, but was nervous about using the diaper. 

"I'm sure you'll be fine, just go put one on." Grace said.

"Alright, I'll head to the other cart and-" Jackson was attempting to say before he was interrupted by Grace, saying:

"No. You should change in here. You stayed in the same cart as me when I changed, and now I'll do the same. You've been extremely understanding up to this point, and I think I should help you overcome your Anxiety one step at a time, starting with this."

"But what if-"

"Nothing will happen, I won't look, you'll be fine. Trust me."

With a strong amount of courage and trust, he finally muttered the word 'okay'. He found a plain white diaper and motioned for Grace to turn around, which she did. He figured out the tapes pretty easily, and put it on. His was more properly put on then Grace's, but that was part of the reason Jackson found it so cute. 

"I-I'm done, I guess. These are weird." Jackson said.

"See? No big deal." Grace responded. She saw Jackson no different then before, except for the trust he had, which she admired.

"Well, I guess." He stated

Grace was still curious about one thing, and that was what it looked like to use it. She knew Jackson had a hard enough time just putting it on, so she formed a deal.

"Hey, I understand you probably won't be ready to use it yet, at least not in front of me. So, I have a deal to help you with that. We will no longer be worried about this stuff near each other, meaning that I will use mine in front of you, if you can do the same." Grace offered. 

Considering the offer, Jackson blushed. He considered how cute Grace looked in the diaper, and also it would answer his question about capacity. With all variables in mind, he uttered out the word 'deal'.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 with in the next week!

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