Cold Catharsis. (Maul)

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Another piece I'm super
proud of! This time, I
intentionally made some
things (one thing in
particular) symbolic—


April 2nd, 2021.




That was definitely not what you fell asleep on.

You curled your knees closer to your chest, willing the chill away. Maybe you left the window open. Maybe it was just a cold breeze.

"What are you doing here?"

You shot up. Dots blurred your vision, but even without your sight intact, you knew who that voice belonged to. You recognized his tone, the way he put too much emphasis on T sounds when he felt fury, and the way he probably spit when he asked the question.

Even so... he didn't seem mad. Of course, the Dathomirian always sounded angry — and rightfully so after what he'd been through — but over time, you had learned to see (or... hear) through his natural, irritated tone.

Your vision finally cleared to reveal him, the red and black apprentice who you once trained beside, standing a few feet away.

You swallowed, then slowly exhaled and set back your shoulders. "Hello, Mr. Maul."

"Hello." Maul crossed his arms, shifting on his... his metal feet. "What are you doing here?"

You couldn't look away. "What happened to your legs?"

If Maul were human, he would've gone further red with rage. "Well, since you're a Jedi now, I thought you would've been told."

You had an idea of what had happened; it was something you couldn't quite remember the details of, only that it had happened. Something with Obi Wan Kenobi, Maul, and Naboo. "Been told what?"

Only then did you lift your eyes from his to take in the scenery. The room stretched on, stone pressing against stone in thin, neat rows on the floor, occasionally stacking to form stairs or even a throne. Glowing chandeliers reached their lanky fingers down from the ceiling, but it wasn't their light that illuminated the room. Instead, it was the blinding white light beyond the stained glass windows that did.

You tilted your head. The windows themselves looked different. More red, maybe?

The last time you'd been here was with Obi Wan Kenobi and Master Qui Gon Jinn, years ago, to protect the Duchess, Satine. That was just after Qui Gon and Obi Wan rescued you from the cold tundra of Ilum after...

Oh, yeah. It's all coming back now.

"Known that Obi Wan Kenobi cut me in half and left me to die on Naboo," Maul spat out.

"Considering you left me stranded on Ilum to die," you crossed your arms, drifting down the steps of an elevated platform, "Good for him."

Maul scoffed. For a long time, as you observed the throne room, there was silence. Finally, he spoke.

"How's being a Jedi?" Maul, too, descended the stairs. "I didn't want to believe it was true, the rumors I've heard..." Maul stalked around you, sizing up your tan Jedi robes, "...but I see it is."

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