Flirt. (Cassian Andor)-Revisited!

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June 26th, 2021.

RAYS OF SUNLIGHT WERE BLOCKED out almost completely by a thick haze of sand storming through the town; the only sources of light to signify that you and your team were still in the market were the lanterns, flickering in and out of sight as your team progressed through the streets. Tied to each other by rope, you and your crew struggled against the wind, and veered off what you thought was the road until your shoulder collided with a wall. Your gloved hands inched along it carefully, and when your hand caught on something resembling a doorknob, you almost cried of relief beneath your swamp-brown, blurry goggles.

You yanked the rope behind you, and your crew halted as you went to open the door. You struggled, but it finally gave due to the wind hurling it open. You tugged the rope again and led the squad into the building. When everyone was inside, the door slammed shut.

Bright lights blinded you, even with the thick-rimmed goggles you wore. You heard another door, lighter than the last, hiss shut behind you, providing an airtight seal against the storm. Only then did you and your team begin to shake out the sand from underneath your clothes.

K2-SO, being a smooth-skinned robot, had the sand sliding right off of him. However, his joints didn't share the same fate.

"This better be as great as you have said it is, (Y/N). It better have an oil bath and everything a droid like myself needs." When he complained as such, you tended to ignore the robot; you did this now as you yanked off your boot and shook the sand from it. Your human companion, Cassian Andor, was doing the same thing. He lifted his goggles onto his hairline and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the harsh light of the entrance room.

"(Y/N)?" He untied the bandana from around his neck, excess sand shivering off of it. "Are you sure about this place?"

You hooked your shoe back into your foot. "Do you trust me?"


"Okay, then." You finished cleaning yourself off, and checked that everyone else was too before turning to a padlock and entering a code.

Seconds later, a gruff voice responded through a speaker. "Who's this?"

You responded with your codename: "Java Kodel."

The voice scoffed. "Beautiful weather we're having, eh?"

Without missing a beat, you jabbed the button and replied, "Oh, it's just pleasant."

You stepped away from the keypad, palms moving to confidently rest on your hips. Cassian waited next to you with crossed arms. He had never been here before, and he found his gloved hand inching toward the blaster hollostered on his thigh.

You cast your gaze over your shoulder. "No guns, Cas."

Reluctantly, his hand retreated. Just before the door to the bar hissed open opposite from where you entered, you faced Cassian. "Again, I ask: do you trust me?"

"I certainly don't," K2-SO chimed in.

You let out a singular laugh. "I know, K2."

With that, you led the winding way through the space's many tables. There weren't many people to pass, but those who saw you either waved hello, whistled, or ignored you completely. You only responded to the mature greetings as you made a beeline to the bar.

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