Ice Ice Baby. (Obi Wan Kenobi) [Modern AU]

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Requested by:
Jedi_Knight_ .

This is an imagine from
my old imagines book,
reimagined. Enjoy!

January 17th, 2020.


"Our record is nineteen and two in the past twenty-one games, thanks to Kenobi's fantastic goaltending," Coach Windu announced, prompting claps and whoops for the goalie. Obi Wan dismissed his praise with a simple wave.

As Windu continued, Anakin, who sat next to Obi Wan, clapped his friend's shoulder. "And, of course, let us not forget the player with the highest number of goals in the entire league, our captain Anakin Skywalker!"

More cheering erupted from the team.

"Despite our success, however, there unfortunately has a trade deadline that needs to be fulfilled," Windu sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Over the past week, we have stressed you all enough with the rumors of whom is going to the Mandalorians. These rumors will be put to rest as soon as you walk out of this room, where you will find the list of trades, tacked to the wall. Good luck everyone, and may the force be with you."

When he finished, Windu strolled out of the room, trailed by Assistant Coach Palpatine. A quiet murmur settled across the team as one by one, they returned to packing up their gear and exited of the locker room.

No one was safe from trades, they all knew. Last year, Cody — who was the team's captain before Anakin — was traded out of the blue. He's performing well on his new team, but the random trade was unnerving to say the least.

Anakin finished packing away his things before Obi Wan, but waited for his friend before he left the locker room. "Who d'you think, huh?"

"It's a tough one." Obi Wan crammed his helmet into his bag. "We've all been playing at the top of our game this year."

"Oh, come on." Anakin nudged his friend. "You can't be that kind, consistently. I know you have someone in mind."

Obi Wan chuckled. "You're right. I just wanted to get away from the crowd before saying much."

Both men laughed.

Obi Wan shrugged his equipment bag into his shoulder. "I think it will be Maul, honestly."

"Me too." Anakin started walking out of the room, with Obi Wan following close behind him. "I was never fond of him, nor was Windu... although, Palpatine was for some reason. I don't understand why; Maul hasn't scored since he arrived, he never talks, and he despises everyone."

The duo continued making small talk as they exited the sweat-drenched locker room. Pinned to the wall outside was the trades list, just like Windu said it would be.

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