Negotiations. (Anakin Skywalker)

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╔═════════════════╗—Happy May the Fourth everybody! Snuggle up with your favorite people and watch some Clone Wars, the Mandalorian documentary, or any movie in the franchise

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Happy May the Fourth
everybody! Snuggle up with
your favorite people and
watch some Clone Wars, the
Mandalorian documentary,
or any movie in the franchise.
Enjoy it, babes!

May 4th, 2020.

USELESS. FUTILE. KAPUT. These were all words that describe the small, faded lemon-colored lamp on your desk. You preferred candles, but it had been a gift from Anakin, and you knew better than to refuse. It was a nice gesture, but would have been even better if it worked properly.

Most of the time, when the light was activated, it flickered violently. Occasionally, you would flick it with your fingers to stabilize it; this worked for a few minutes at most, before it went back to lightning-bugging.

After a long and stressful mission, you volunteered to write up the mission report for the Jedi Council. Even though it was easier to type it up, you preferred the simplicity of the pen on paper, and the nice, warm hue of the candles around to light up your space.

However, the flickering lamp messed with your mojo today. You glared at it, and in that same second, it shut off completely — no flickers.

You sighed. It took some serious self control to refrain from cursing at the old thing.

Anakin is a mechanic, pretty much — why couldn't he have spruced it up a little bit? As you leaned back in your chair, pressing your palms to your eyes, a confident voice rang out from your doorway. "Need help with that?"

You jumped to your feet. Upon seeing your visitor was the glorious Chosen One, your nerves cooled. "Anakin. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, y'know," Anakin shrugged. "Just checking into how you're doing, is all. If you want me to leave you alone—"

"No! Wait!" You extended your hand toward him, hoping that alone could stop him from leaving. Fortunately, it did, and Anakin waited patiently for your next words.

Timely, the lamp flickered to life beside you. Hopefully, you stared at it, praying Anakin's presence would fix the problem. In the next moment, however, the light had gone dark again.

You groaned, shoulders dropping. You faced Anakin, willing a sweet smile onto your face. "Anakin?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes...?"

"Can you please fix this?" You moved your hands in the lamp's direction. "It's a very nice gift, but it barely works right."

"That makes two of us," Anakin chuckled. He uncrossed his arms and walked over to your desk. He inspected the damage, but made no move to fix the lamp. Instead, he looked at you with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"I can fix it," Anakin held up a finger, and added, "On one condition."

The excitement that had gathered in your chest dropped, now fading into something more wary. You replied slowly, "And what would that be?"

He smirked, crossing his arms across his broad chest. "You have to go out with me."

You sighed, giving him a look. "Anakin, do I have to remind you that it's against the Order to do that?"

Anakin shrugged. "That hasn't stopped you before."

You gave him a sharp look. "Just because I disobeyed the Council a few times doesn't give you permission to generalize. We all do it."

"I doubt Obi Wan has," Anakin pointed out.

"And that's why he's the negotiator, not you."

Anakin feigned a chest pain. "Ouch. I'm crushed."

You shook your head as you sat back down, picking up your inked feather to continue assembling the report. Anakin watched you with an expression you couldn't describe, before letting out a soft exhale and fixing the light. When he finished, it lit up without flickering, and remained that way.

"Thank you," you offered, without looking up.

Anakin gave you that longing expression again — one you still couldn't understand, but the one he always eyed you with. After a moment, he sighed, shaking his head. "Any time."

He moved toward the doorway, and just before he passed through it, you stopped writing. "Anakin?"

"Yeah?" He was halfway out the door, but didn't turn around.

"I'll be free at later tonight, if your offer still stands."

Anakin grinned over his shoulder. He turned, finding your gaze turned away from your work and meeting his own.

"Of course." He bowed extravagantly. "And where shall I take her Majesty?"

You rolled your eyes playfully, turning back to your desk so he couldn't see your blush. "Wherever you see fit. I trust you."

That little statement, even if it was only offhand, meant more to him than you knew. Anakin nodded, brain buzzing with ideas as he left your room silently, leaving you to your work.

You checked over your shoulder to make sure he had left before jumping out of your chair and into a celebratory dance. Anakin, in the halls of the Temple, checked to make sure he was alone before proceeding to do the same thing.

Seven o'clock. Knowing she'll want to be back before it's too late, that gives me a few hours to give (Y/N) the night of her life.

And with four hours to prepare, that is exactly what Anakin intended on doing.

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