Better Present. (Luke Skywalker) [Modern AU]

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Happy Holidays!

December 25th, 2019.


"Luke!" You sing-sung from the bottom of the stairs. "It's Christmas morning!"

A muffled groan sounded from the bedroom.

At least he's awake.

"Alright," you warned, dramatically strutting toward the kitchen. "I guess all of those wonderful chocolate cookies are mine!"

This got your boyfriend out of bed. Luke rushed down the stairs, his fluffy socks making a muted stomp sound with each step. He kept his hand hovering above the railing for his own safety. When Luke got downstairs (not without one last dramatic jump from the fourth stair), he broke into a goofy smile. "I'm up. Happy?"

"Very!" You kissed his cheek. You slipped your hand into his, starting towards the kitchen. "C'mon, I got food cookin'."

Entering the kitchen has become a routine for you two; Luke would clear off the counter while you would stuff your hands in some mitts and remove the glorious holiday-themed food from the oven.

After the tray was settled on the counter, you placed your oven mitts neatly next to it. "A job well done, if I can say so myself."

Luke leaned over the tray, breathing in the sweet aroma of Christmas cookies. "A job well done, my love."

He welcomed you into a warm embrace. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, his hands sliding to your waist. You rocked back and forth in a peaceful rhythm. Just as you were closing your eyes, Luke lifted you, clutching you close to his chest.

You let out a surprised giggle as he set you down. "While these cool, let's open some presents, yeah?"

For a moment, he only gazed dreamily at you. Then, the moment passed as he tugged on your hand to lead you out of the room. "Onward! I have the best gift for you, (Y/N)."

You scoffed jokingly. "If it's anything like last year, I don't know what I'll do."

"Han isn't coming over this year, so..." Luke pinched his nose. "Hopefully, we'll be fine."

You laughed as Luke sat on the floor. You joined him, curling into his arm.

"Okay!" Luke leaned over to grab an armful of presents. "Ready?"

"Ready." You grabbed your gift to him from the pile. "Here you are, my good sir."

"Why thank you, my beautiful maiden." Luke took the box from you. He excitedly tore through the wrapping paper (one decorated by stars). Once the box underneath was uncovered, Luke lifted the lid delicately and stuck his bionic hand inside. As he felt around, his tongue rested between his front teeth. Once his fingers caught something, he slowly retracted his hands. A small smile crossed his face as studied the small bracelet in his hand.

"'Love you to the moon and back'," he read. "Oh, (Y/N). This is so cute."

"I'm glad. But there's more..." Trailing off, you nervously fiddled with the hemming of your pants.

Luke reached back in, hand clamping around a picture frame. Once he laid eyes on the picture, he gently get it down beside the box. He was stunned, to say the least.

"I hope you like—"

Luke cut you off by leaning over and placing a soft kiss to your lips.

"Thank you," he whispered after pulling away, looking lovingly at the framed photo you gave him. It was of his family; Anakin, Padmé, and Leia Skywalker. "This is the best gift I could've received. But... you're not in it."

"Well, I'm not immediate family." You frowned, confused. The idea was to only have his blood family in the picture...

"Then let's change that." Luke pushed himself into one knee.

Piecing it together, you covered your mouth with your hands. "Oh my god, Luke."

Grinning, Luke pulled out a small box and popped it open. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?"

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