Distant Music. (Alexsandr Kallus)

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June 30th, 2021.

THE LONGER YOU REMAINED THERE on that roof, leaning against that railing, the more you warmed, and the more your skin took on the slightest golden shimmer, random spots scattered across your arms and face glowing. You had just managed to catch the sun as it was setting to soak up its last rays to rejuvenate your energy— something you found to be boosted by sunlight.

strange chill in your stomach, a knot you pondered as the sun drew closer to the horizon. Or, maybe that odd feeling was just the night rising behind you that brought on this wave of concern.

You bowed your head. What's wrong?

"You know..." came an accented, growing voice that turned deeper with each passing day.

You spun, glowing spots burning brighter out of defensive on your now raised arms, drawn tight to your chest by fists. Upon seeing it was only your handsome classmate, Alexsandr Kallus, leaning against the door that he used to enter the roof, you exhaled, and your spots dimmed, almost to the shade of his blond hair. Homely rays of sun cast a glow of its own on his locks, making them shine golden like a halo in the light of the setting sun.

A small smile toyed at the corner of his lips. "Shouldn't you be studying?"

You rolled your eyes playfully, turning back to the sunset. Again, you leaned your forearms against the perfectly smooth metal railing. "You know, you shouldn't be up here."

His footsteps echoed across the metal roof, growing closer and closer until they ceased, and his elbows appeared beside yours. Even with the uniform covering his sleeve, you could feel the electricity between his skin and yours. "Well, neither should you."

"Hey. I have an excuse," you reminded, tipping your head towards him. "I need sunlight, Kallus. Remember?"

"Yes," he chuckled. "You mention it enough."

A gentle silence settled, like the deathly gasp of civilians when their eyes focus on a swarm of Empirial ships growing ever nearer in their skies—

The skies, and everything below, of which the Empire will improve. We just need to take control everywhere, so that everyone will be safe and unconfused under our rule.


"Do you ever wonder..." you started, glancing over at Kallus's side profile, "what our lives would be like if we weren't taken?"

Kallus met your eyes, and in one of his, the sun deemed the gold there even more lustrous, while in the shadowed other, the gold simmered to something more like a cool copper. "By the empire?"


He pondered this a moment, his bottom lip angling into his top one, before deciding, "I think it's better that we're serving the Empire. We're training to be the leaders of tomorrow."

You bit the inside of your cheek. Kallus seemed to take your silence as what it was — doubt — but examined it the wrong way, and added, "I think you are going to be a great leader, if that's what you're worried about."

But that wasn't it. The ache was still there, sitting awkwardly upon your heart. "Thanks."

Kallus tilted his head, studying your face before nudging you with his elbow. "Is something wrong?"

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