Chapter 2

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Karas POV

I can't believe Lena and her friends wanted me to join them I mean I'm a servant and Lena and Lucy are princesses I don't know the other 3 we went down to the court I love volleyball me and my sister used to play all the time I haven't played in so long it was Lenas serve and she didn't do an uppers hand serve I figured she would they work better it's harder for the other team to get it her serve went over I think her name is Maggie she hit it back I set it to Lucy she smashed it and got us a point when it was my serve I wasn't sure what to do I mean how hard to hit it I may have deflated a few balls in the past I threw it up and hit it and no one went for it "oh my god Kara that was amazing" Lena said no one was expecting that from me and I was proud my sister would be too that I didn't make a hole in the ground to be fair I didn't even hit that hard we continued the game for a while until they had to go home me and Lena went back to the castle for her supper she went to the dining room I didn't follow "aren't you coming" does she know anything about servants like at all I didn't mind because she treated me really well "we don't eat with you" she frowned "oh ok see you later?" I nodded and went to find Jake and Katara I found them cleaning "karaaa" the little brunette ran over to me and jumped in my arms "hey buddy" I kissed his head and walked over to Katara "Kara you seem happier today" I smiled "well she wasn't rude she even invited me to play volleyball with her friends I haven't had that much fun in years" I grabbed a rag and started to help her Jake was only 8 he couldn't do all this work alone "Kara this is what happened last time..." I looked down my mood changed "you didn't have to bring him up" she looked at me with only concern in her baby blue eyes "I'm sorry dear I just don't want you getting hurt again it took you weeks to recover" "I remember besides I'm not In love with her like I was with him I don't think she is capable of hurting me" Katara sighed "that's what you said about him just please be carful dear I hate to see you hurt" I smiled and hugged her "thanks for looking out for me" I let go and turned around to see Jake sleeping "I don't want to wake him but he can get hurt if we let him sleep" It killed me to do this I picked him up "Jake wake up buddy" I shook him a little he was mumbling something I couldn't understand "come on I know you can sleep at night" I shook him a little still nothing I heard footsteps "Jake" I was a lot louder and used a more aggressive voice he jumped up I put him down and gave him a rag he took it and started cleaning I took one too just in case a guard walked by and scoffed and the sight of us what an ass once he left I said goodbye and met Lena in her room she was there first it was getting kinda late "Kara there you are" I nodded "is there anything you need" she shook her head "no would you like to sit" "that's alright I think I'll go help the others around the castle I'll be back later if you need anything" "of course goodnight Kara"
"Goodnight your highness" I left going back to where Jake and Katara were when I got there I was horrified it was guard about to hit Jake he must have fallen asleep again "wait" the guard turned to me "he's just a kid he can't help it he needs sleep" he stepped up to me "how dare you speak to me that way" I stood tall I lost my confidence long ago but I always seem to get it when someone's about to get hurt "punish me Instead let him go" the guard thought for a second a nodded "go Jake" he looked down and ran off "your a brave one aren't you see you always seem to help everyone else but no one will ever help you" I've accepted that he knocked me down not the first time I fall on my ass he kicked my ankle well that one hurt a little more he sent a blow to my abdomen ok that was a good hit he was about to continue till I heard a voice I've never been more thankful to hear "what the hell is going on here" the guard took a step back the footsteps got louder I didn't move "go back to your post" she hissed at the guard he left Lena knelt down beside me "Kara can you hear me" I nodded I didn't feel like talking "why would he do that" I sat up and leant against the wall "I talked back to him" she clearly didn't believe me "Kara you wouldn't even speak to me earlier today you had a reason to" I felt a tear escape my eye "he was going to hurt Jake he fell asleep he was working all day he can't stay awake forever he's only 8" Lena gasped "why would they do that" "because were nobody's no one cares if we are hurt that's how we are treated if we mess up we get beat that's how it works it always has" I snapped I covered my mouth realizing I just screamed at a princess "I'm so sorry your majesty I should go clean now" I got up and grabbed my stomach it really hurt "Kara no I deserved that I had no idea what was happening your hurt" she tried to reach for me but I moved away "I'm fine I've had worse thank you for stopping him" I said coldly my walls were up this is how it started with him... He acted nice then betrayed me Katara was right I can't trust her she's just like every other royal...

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