chapter 7

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Lena's POV

I woke up kinda hoping to have a blond in my arms but there wasn't I was disappointed but I shouldn't be right I should be looking for a future king but she's all I can think about all the time I can't be in love with a girl let alone a servant my mother would never be ok with that I don't know what to do I obviously can't talk to Kara about it she's already been heartbroken over royalty she wouldn't like me In that way "hey you ok" I snapped out of my thoughts and blinked "I've said your name like 4 times" "oh sorry" "what are you thinking about" should I tell her "I like someone" she had a huge smile her face "that's amazing" I still had a frown "or not?" she had a puzzled look "no one would accept who it is" she thought for a minute "omg omg omg I think I know who it is" my heart sank this is it Lucy will tell my mom and my mom will kick Kara out and make me marry someone like Mike "is it Kara" she asked really exited wait wouldn't she be mad "your not disappointed?" she tilted her head "of course not Lena I love you for who you are besides you've never been interested in a man your whole life" I blushed she was right "tell me about her from your point of view" I smiled "she's beautiful and so sweet so caring and her smile could light up a whole room we took Charlie out one night and she was so happy she was ready for adventure and she's just adorable and protects the people she cares for" I gushed like this for at least another 20 minutes it feels so good to tell someone else "what am I gonna do Lucy my mom will never allow this she's so traditional it's a man and a woman and I have to pick a prince" I shoved my head In my pillow "there are a couple solutions but I don't think you'll like them" I looked up giving her the ok to continue "well you can one run away with her two overthrow your mom three tell her she can choose you or the kingdom or four be unhappy for the rest of your life" "wow those are all terrible" she shrugged "I never said they were good ideas just that they were ideas" "maybe I will meet a guy at the ball and it will be love at first sight and Kara would be a little crush" Lucy chuckled "Lee I don't think you can just turn straight just like that and I don't think she's a little crush you gushed about her for 45 minutes I don't think you should just give up because your moms opinion when has that ever stopped you" I mean she had a point "your right but how do I know she feels the same" she had a huge smirk on her face "leave that to me" oh boy this is gonna be interesting "I will be your wingman or wingwoman or whatever I'm so excited" she squealed "ok I'm definitely afraid of that but I trust you now if it works we need a plan for my mother" "I could wait till I'm crowned queen then she has no say but that's not till next year and she will force me to marry so we wing it" Lucy's eyes widened "you Lena Luthor winging something wow you are crazy for this girl" she winked I hit her arm slightly "ok we better get up and start trying in stupid dresses for the ball kill me now" I shoved my head in my pillow Lucy pushed me off the bed I got the ground "Lucy Lane you are so dead" I got up and pushed her off her side "miss Luthor how dare you" we bursted into laughter then we heard knocks we both looked up to see Kara "your mother asked me to tell you that you guys need to get ready for the ball" she looked sad she looked at Lucy was she jealous no Lena don't get your hopes up "no Kara we are all getting ready for the ball" both girls looked at me confused "um Lena I'm not aloud" well if I get in shit it's worth it she's worth it "well it's my ball and your my servant so technically I make the rules come on" I grabbed Lucy and Kara'a hand and started running towards the closet "no, no, no,no ugh no" I was going thought dresses then I found one not for me but for Kara it was perfect I tossed the dress at her "Lena I can't wear this I'm just a servant" I am not playing this game and if I do I will win "kara don't make me do it" she raised her eyebrow challenging me "Kara I demand that you wear that dress and come to the ball with me I um mean us come to the ball with us" Lucy was holding back a laugh and mouthed "smooth" Kara went red in the face "o-ok" she was so flustered Lucy raised her eyebrows at me smirking after hours I picked a dress for me and Lucy all of my friends were on their way I was excited to see what they would wear while we waited Kara showed us how to serve like she did I have to admit I was impressed I mean the technique too but I was impressed by her the way she did it she was just stunning I think Lucy hit me more times then I could count to quit drooling over her how could I help it. We got called in told our friends were waiting so me Kara and Lucy changed and now was when I couldn't drool "wow Kara you look amazing that's so your colour" she blushed "you look stunning" Lucy was giving me annoying looks standing behind Kara "that dress suits you Luc" she smiled "thanks" we walked out and meet everyone after compliments were given out we entered the ballroom when I te you everyone's jaw dropped it was funny I mean yeah we're all hot I smiled and waved we all went down the steps and entered hell.

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