Chapter 3

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Lenas POV

Just like that she walked away she's never been that cold with me well I've only known her for a day but it wasn't like her she was shy and doesn't seem like she would talk out of line her eyes were so dull when she walked away I just want to help her well I know who could tell me why the hell she was acting that way I walked around the castle looking for someone I had no Idea where to look. It's been 10 minutes I'm about to give up till I see her I walked over to her she turned when she heard me she bowed "your majesty" I smiled weakly "your close with Kara right" she nodded slowly "what happened she was shy then she was having fun outside then she snaps at me she seemed so cold I didn't think she was capable of that did I do something..."
"You didn't do Anything at all I'm sorry for her behaviour she afraid" afraid? "Of what" she sighed "trusting you it's not about you but that your a royal she's been hurt and she put up walls and well your the first person to be nice to her since the other and she's afraid" who would hurt Kara "hurt how" I don't think I truly wanted this answer "a prince we used to serve he was kind to her and made her laugh and smile she fell in love then he humiliated her and told her he would never love someone pathetic like her and she god beat up pretty bad she wasn't herself for a long time she stopped caring got herself in a lot of trouble Kara is a tough girl she'll be ok you need to give her time she needs to learn to trust again she's lost a lot in her life" I was trying so hard not to cry I can't believe someone would do such a thing "and could you tell her Jakes ok" I nodded "thank you..?" "Katara" she spoke up "thank you Katara" she nodded I left to go find Kara I went in my room and found her on the ground crying holding on to something I bent down and put my hand on her knee she flinched and looked up at me she quickly wiped her tears "I'm so sorry Lena I shouldn't have yelled at you or been rude to you" I grabbed her hand "it's ok it happens" I smiled at her and saw a beautiful rock she was holding "what's that" I pointed to the object "oh I honestly don't know my mom gave it to me before she passed it's all I have left of her" this was what Katara said she lost a lot "I'm sorry for your loss" she looked up at me her eyes weren't dull anymore "it's ok it was years ago" I held out my hand for her "I want to show you something" she put her hand in mine I swear I felt a spark I ignored it and helped her up I grabbed us cloaks I gave her a red one and I grabbed a blue one "it looks like you have a cape" I giggled as the wind blew it back we went down to the stables "should we be doing this" she asked innocently "probably not but no one will know" I found Charlie and brought him out Karas mouth flew open "it's a Pegasus" I smiled "yeah his name is Charlie he's quite shy" as I finished my sentence he walked over to Kara he sniffed her and nuzzled her head weird he's not normally that friendly even to my friends Kara giggled It was like music to my ears I smiled "ready to go" she had a huge smile on her face she was so excited I got up on Charlie and extended my hand for Karas she took it and got on "hang on"
Charlie took off and we went in the clouds I was expecting Kara to be screaming or freaking out at least a little but she was doing the opposite she had her arms in the air laughing she seemed so happy has she done this before we reached our destination it was a little cliff that I love to go to I'm the only one who knows about it I want Kara to trust me and know I want to show her these things we got off of Charlie he laid down I took Kara to sit at the edge with me "this place is beautiful"
"I wanted to take you here no one else knows just us it can be our spot" I could see Karas cheeks redden a little "tell me about you" she smiled I'm seeing more of it and it makes me happy "well I'm adopted and I love my family I have an older sister who loves kicking my ass at volleyball my foster parents are very kind they taught me a lot and that's pretty much there's all to know" wow I didn't know she was adopted "what about you princess" I'm not going to lie the way she said princess sent shivers down my spine "well I love my friends my mother drives me crazy my brother plays chess with me every once in a while and I have this really great servant that I'm hoping wants to be a good friend of mine in the future" she looked at me not sure what to say she was searching my eyes for a lie or a flaw in what I said and that's ok because she wasn't going to find one I spoke the truth I want to be her friend "I hope so too" she said so quietly I almost didn't hear her I smiled "we should head back" she nodded we got up on Charlie instead of her waving her arms everywhere she wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my shoulder and let out a breath I was blushing so much I don't know my I mean it's not the first time someone does that "you tired?" I asked she hummed quietly I will take that as a yes I few slowly not wanting this moment to end it was relaxing this was a side to Kara that I loved to see she was happy and free I hope I can bring more of that in the future we got to the castle Charlie bent down so we could get off easier Kara didn't have a tight grip anymore I guessed she fell asleep i got off my Pegasus and I was right she had fallen asleep I picked her up brought Charlie back to his pen and carried Kara back up to the castle she didn't weight much at all I got back to my room and placed her on the couch in my room I placed a blanket on her and went in my bed "sleep well Kara"

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