Chapter 5

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Lenas POV

I've been dabbing a towel on Karas neck for a while now it feels as If the world is frozen it's just me and her it breaks my heart that she's hurt and told me it's ok because it's not ok no one should even think about hurting such a wonderful person I mean she doesn't deserve it she's had enough happen to her I blinked and removed to towel "did help" I totally lost my words there "yeah thanks I'll be ok" she smiled but it was exactly like the first time she smiled at me it wasn't real she wasn't ok but she won't tell me that and I thought I was bad for not saying what I felt although no one exactly cared to ask "I'm gonna um go find Katara" I nodded not trusting my words she left limping but I didn't ask I don't want to push her I need to earn her trust I don't know why it's so important but it is I want her as a friend. A guard knocked at my door I opened it he bowed "your majesty the queen has asked for you" ugh what did she want now I smiled and walked towards the throne room I opened the doors to see my mother she wasn't happy she never was but she seemed annoyed or even mad "Lena please tell me you didn't kick prince kill Mike out" oh boy "yes I did mother he attacked my servant" she blinked and raised her eyebrows "you kicked him out because of that he was perfect" was she missing something "yes I did any longer and he could have killed her and he's not perfect he only cares for himself and he has a stupid ego he has no right to hurt or speak to MY servant that way" don't ask why I said my that way it just felt right she is my servant "she's a servant dear there's nothing special about her if she dies we can always get you another one but you must marry a prince soon your waisting time just pick the richest one" was she serious "you can't just replace her she's a human being she's a person you can't say it like she's a piece of garbage and no I'm not gonna marry some rich prick and be unhappy for the rest of my life I will marry someone I love" I stormed out not giving her a chance to continue that conversation I could hear her screaming "LENA KIERAN LUTHOR" I walked away knowing I'll have consequences later I continued walking down the hall and stumbled across Katara sitting on the floor with a sleeping Kara on her lap her eyes are red she must have been crying I walked towards the old woman to ask what happened "why was she crying" the woman jumped at my presence "she's just the prince brought back some memories she idolized her parents for so long and to find out they could be responsible for so much damage on other people she blames herself when she shouldn't hearing him say it hurt her a lot" I could feel my heart ache for the blond "this isn't comfortable for her I should take her back to my room she can be fully rested" this was bullshit I wanted Kara in my room so I can watch her I want to take care of her as much as she'll let me Katara nodded so I grabbed Kara and picked her up bridal style she mumbled something but I couldn't understand it "thank you your highness for taking care of her even when she won't let you" I smiled "you can call me Lena and I always will no matter how far she tries to push me I won't budge I won't ever leave her" she smiled at me I started walking towards my room once I was in I locked the door not wanting anyone to wake Kara I was going to place her on the couch till I heard a low sniffle "Kara?..."
"It's my fault he's right my mother would have been disappointed I should have died I don't deserve anything" I wasn't sure if she knew I was the one holding her so I laid us both down in my bed putting the covers over us "no it's not your fault and you deserve to live you deserve happiness I'm here I'm always here" I could hear her sobbing I stroked her hair and held on to her repeating soothing words until her breathing evened out she seemed happy shy but happy but she's broken and I want to help her it's all I want I'm not sure why I have these urges I mean I stood up to my mother for her and I never do that she is special and I feel the need to keep her safe and happy I have a feeling no ones done that in a long time

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