Chapter 10

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Kennedy's POV

I was dreaming peacefully when I felt a pillow hit my face. I sat up,"wha?" I saw a laughing Ronnie and I flipped him off,scooting underneath the pillows.He pulled me off the bed,pushing me towards the shower,"take a shower,everyone's fixing to leave the busse's are here." I groaned,falling to the ground,tired,"Ronnie five more minutes." He nudged me,"nope now get up or I'm calling Chris up here and you'll smell all day." I scowled standing up and scratching my chest tiredly. He laughed,"did you just scratch your boobs?" I nodded,"guys scratch themselves all the time,don't judge." I yawned trudging to the shower and turning it on. I walked back into the room and got out a bra and some underwear. I grabbed my Listen to Kurt Cobain tank and some grey athletic shorts. i started to undress when I heard yelling from behind me. I turned and saw Ronnie,Derek,Andy,and Ashley. They had their eyes covered. I groaned,"what the hell get out." Ronnie rolled his eyes,"sheesh just making sure you were actually gonna get in the shower,chill." I yawned,"well I need to change,so unless you want to see shamoo in the house,I'd leave." I grabbed a towel. ANdy looked at me,"why would you call yourself Shamoo?" I sighed,"because it's true,I'm shamoo's human form now please leave guys." They walked out and I shut locking the door. I sighed softly,undressing as quick as I could,hopping in the shower. I washed my body and hair quickly looking up so I wouldn't have to see the true definition of ugly. I got out,having a headache. I slammed my head against the wall softly,closing my eyes. I dried off quickly,brushing my teeth. I dried my hair,brushing it out. i got dressed quickly,putting on some eyeliner and shoes. I grabbed my bags,checking to make sure I had everything. 'Why try getting all of your clothes,you don't look good in any of them." I shook my head,I hated that voice. The voice that made me hate myself,my inner voice. I finished picking up my bags,opening the door and hearing it creak." God you idiot,why don't you just break the door with your man hands. Those fat ugly man hands." I breathed in deeply,shaking my head and walking down the hall to the stairs. " Why don't you just throw yourself down those stairs. No one would care anyway. Who would miss a piece of shit like you?" I shook my head,walking downstairs and one of them creaked. "Haha fatty fatty she's going to break the stairs. Even if you fell down everybody is going to hope that you would die." I slapped a hand to my hand,closing my eyes.I repeated shut up over and over in my mind for a good minute. I heard the voice go away and I breathed in deeply before walking downstairs quickly and walking to the buss that I saw Chris get onto. I walked on,holding my bag close to me as possible not wanting to get in the way of the people. Chris looked at me,"here follow me,this is where you'll be sleeping is it okay?" I saw it and nodded,"yeah it's awesome and perfect." I put my stuff in it,laying down. CHris laughed,"Ricky will be above you and across is gargoyle boy,Angelo." I nodded,hugging the wall,"it smells like band equipment,sweat,alcohol,and piss. If this is what bands are supposed to smeel like I never want to leave!" I slammed my face into the bed cushion,smelling in deeply. CHris laughed,walking away. I got up and I walked out the bus,already familiar with it. I walked outside jumping on C.C's back. He laughed,walking onto their bus. I looked around,breathing in my new favorite smell of band members. He laughed and dropped me off outside. I smiled and waved by to everyone else,who were getting on their bus and driving off. I climbed back in the bus,waving bye to C.C and sitting on the couch next to RIcky. I pulled out my earbuds,putting them on and pressing play,Motionless In White playing instantly. I smiled,turning it up. I yawned,rubbing my eyes softly. RIcky dragged my bvb bag over,"what do we have in here?" I stopped the music,"just stuff like manga,extra earbuds,gum,some pony-tails,phone charger." He nodded,pulling out three manga,my hoodie,some ponyails,a brush,headphones,two packs of gum,and some more stuff. He pulled out my poetry book,"hey what's this." I snatched it away quick,"it's nothing. Just a random book." I laughed,putting all of the stuff back into my bag nervously. I didn't like people reading or listening to my poetry,it makes me nervous and anxious. I put my bag back in my bunk,holding ,my hands in a small fist,digging my nails into my palm. "They probably think you're a complete freak,which you are." I sighed softly,laying down in my bunk. I rolled over,pulling the curtain closed,shutting my eyes closed,hoping to clear my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2013 ⏰

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